Diamond open access

We publish diamond, also referred to as sponsored, open access journals in partnership with organisations such as universities and associations. There is no charge to the author to publish their research openly in these journals.

If you’re an organisation that is interested in publishing your journal with Emerald, find out more about our publishing services.

Journal titleISSNJournal titleISSN
Applied Computing and Informatics2634-1964Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences2632-279X
Applied Economic Analysis2632-7627Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management2042-6747
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research1985-9899Journal of Industry-University Collaboration2631-357x
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences1319-5166Journal of Innovative Digital Transformation2976-9051
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation & Entrepreneurship2398-7812Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles2399-9802
Asian Association of Open Universities Journal2414-6994Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment2633-6596
Asian Journal of Accounting Research2443-4175Journal of International Cooperation in Education2755-029X
Asian Journal of Economics and Banking2615-9821Journal of International Logistics and Trade1738-2122
Business Analyst Journal0973-211XJournal of Internet and Digital Economics2752-6356
Central European Management Journal2658-0845Journal of Leadership Education1552-9045
China Accounting and Finance Review1029-807XJournal of Money and Business2634-2596
China Political Economy2516-1652Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning2397-7604
Digital Transformation and Society2755-0761Journal of Tourism Futures2055-5911
EconomiA1517-7580Journal of Trade Science2815-5793
European Journal of Management & Business Economics2444-8494Journal of Work Applied Management2205-2062
European Journal of Management Studies2183-4172LBS Journal of Management & Research0972-8031
Forestry Economics Review2631-3030Learning & Teaching In Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives2077-5504
Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment2634-2499Management Matters2279-0187
Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy2635-0181Marine Economics and Management2516-158X
Higher Education Evaluation and Development2514-5789Maritime Business Review2397-3757
IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies2754-0138Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications2631-3871
IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation2753-4022New England Journal of Entrepreneurship2574-8904
IIMT Journal of Management2976-7261Organization Management Journal1541-6518
Innovation & Management Review2515-8961Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People2635-0270
International Hospitality Review2516-8142PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice2833-2040
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management2690-6090Public Administration and Policy2517-679X
International Trade, Politics and Development2586-3932Railway Sciences2755-0907
Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy2398-8819Rajagiri Management Journal0972-9968
Journal of Asian Business Economics Studies2515-964XRAUSP Management Journal2531-0488
Journal of Blood Service Economics2769-4054Revista de Gestão2177-8736
Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development2635-1374Saudi Journal of Language Studies2634-243X
Journal of Capital Markets Studies2514-4774School University Partnerships1935-7125
Journal of Defense Analytics & Logistics2399-6439Smart and Resilient Transportation2632-0487
Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구1229-988XSouth Asian Journal of Marketing2719-2377
Journal of Economics and Development1859-0020Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal1819-5091
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science2218-0648Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC2444-9709
Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics2754-4214Tourism Critiques2633-1225
Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology2633-7436VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management0973-1954

Detailed view of our diamond journals

Applied Computing and Informatics

Focusing on the knowledge and use of IT applications, this journal serves as a forum for applied and theoretical understanding and encourages submissions from both within and beyond academia.


Applied Economic Analysis

A peer-reviewed journal on global economic issues and the principles of economic analysis, with a particular focus on quantitative studies.


Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research

Publishes peer review research covering all aspects of pure, natural resources, management, computer, innovation, biotechnology, and educational sciences.


Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

This journal is is dedicated to the publication of original and expository papers in pure and applied mathematics, and is reviewed and edited by an international group of scholars.


Asian Association of Open Universities Journal

Covers new information, knowledge, evaluations of theories, and best practices of Open and Distance Education (ODE).


Asian Journal of Economics and Banking

Includes top-quality, original research in economics, banking and finance. Research papers which apply new mathematical, statistical, and econometric methods are warmly welcomed.


Business Analyst Journal

Publishes original research articles that further the knowledge in domain-specific areas of business, management, finance and economics.


Central European Management Journal

A peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of management in both public and private sector institutions, from the nature of management itself to the impact management has within organisations.


China Accounting and Finance Review

Established in 1999 by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with Tsinghua University, China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) is the first refereed journal of accounting and finance published in China.


China Political Economy

Focuses particularly on economic system reform, China's macro-economy, industrial organisation, financial and capital markets, enterprise strategies and behaviours.


Digital Transformation and Society

Publishes innovative and original papers on all topics related to digital technology, development, and transformation in business and society


European Journal of Management & Business Economics

An academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of management and business economics.


Forestry Economics Review

A peer-reviewed journal on economics and policy research relating to forests, forest-related industries, and other forest-relevant land uses.


Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment

Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment is an academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of engineering and built environment.


Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy

Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy is an academic, peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes theoretical and empirical results in all the areas of economics and public policy.


Higher Education Evaluation and Development

This journal aims to encourage research in higher education evaluation and development, raising the standard of evaluation research and sharing discoveries worldwide.


IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies

IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies is an academic, peer reviewed journal publishing research on all aspects of management.


IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation

Publishes research associated with the areas of society, business, economics, entrepreneurship, energy and environmental economics or management.

IIMT Journal of Management cover

IIMT Journal of Management

This open access journal publishes research and review papers in all disciplines of management studies.


International Hospitality Review

This journal is focused on the exchange of ideas between academics and industry leaders on both theoretical and applied concepts in the field of international hospitality.


International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Publishes high-quality papers in the field of industrial engineering and operations management to serve as a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to share innovative ideas and experiences.


International Trade, Politics and Development

This is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of international trade, economics, political science and development studies.


Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy

This official peer reviewed journal of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland stimulates critical debate and evidence-based practice within occupational therapy in Ireland and worldwide.


Journal of Asian Business Economics Studies

A peer-reviewed, open access journal on the sustainability of business and economics from a local, global, regional, or national level.


Journal of Blood Service Economics

Publishing research from business, health, and public-policy disciplines, to advance knowledge of the U.S. blood and plasma industry to ensure a safe, affordable, and sustainable blood supply.


Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development

An open access, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of business and socio-economic development.


Journal of Capital Markets Studies

Journal of Capital Markets Studies publishes peer-reviewed research in the areas of economics and finance with a specific focus on capital markets.


Journal of Defense Analytics & Logistics

This journal focuses on research relating to logistics, operations and supply chain management within the context of national and/or international defense.


Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구

A fully open access journal, publishing peer-reviewed research papers, covering all aspects of derivatives and quantitative finance.


Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics

Welcomes contributions from multiple fields such as e-business/ e-commerce behavior science, digital business intelligence, AI & big data analytics, metaverse and digital & experience economics.

Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology

A peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing works which investigate the underlying principles of entrepreneurship in the digital era.


Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences

A peer-reviewed, open access journal focused on the applications of humanities and social science theories and methodologies.

Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Publishes state-of-the-art research, in the field of humanitarian and development aid logistics and supply chain management.


Journal of Industry-University Collaboration

Aims to publish research for an international audience in the field of cooperation and innovation between industry and university.

Journal of Innovative Digital Transformation cover

Journal of Innovative Digital Transformation

This journal publishes original articles on a wide range of digital transformation and innovation topics, with a particular emphasis on the impact of technology on education, economy, society, and other disciplinary boundaries.


Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles

Publishes peer-reviewed, open access research on all aspects of intelligent and connected vehicles (ICVs) technology.


Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment

Covers all technologies developed and studied for design, analysis, manufacturing and operation of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment


Journal of International Cooperation in Education

A peer-reviewed, open access journal that engages with empirical, theoretical and methodological discussions on educational policies, systems and practices in the global South.


Journal of International Logistics and Trade

Aims to improve our understanding of logistics and trade practices between firms, industries and countries in the global economy, and to disseminate new knowledge to international scholars and existing literature.

Journal of Leadership Education cover

Journal of Leadership Education

JOLE engages scholars and practitioners who advance leadership education and development. Scholar-practitioners represent various fields under the broader areas of Education, Training and Development, and Corporate Education.


Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning

Focuses on innovations in teaching and learning that inform organisational practices and educational policies.

Journal of Trade Science card image

Journal of Trade Science

Provides novel insights into contemporary business and trade issues, concerns, practices, and trends.


Journal of Work Applied Management

A focus on management insights, where change, discovery and innovation are driven by work-based, work-applied, collaborative, and experiential approaches.


LBS Journal of Management & Research

Provides a forum for researchers and business professionals worldwide to make significant contributions on key issues and challenges emerging in management and its related fields in today’s VUCA world.


Learning & Teaching In Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives

Focuses on all aspects of higher education research with a regional focus on the Gulf, but with global relevance and readership.

Management Matters journal cover

Management Matters

A multidisciplinary open access journal committed towards publishing original theoretical, conceptual, applied, empirical and fundamental contributions both qualitative and quantitative in all the major fields of management.


Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications

Covers all areas of supply chain management, including Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain Management.


New England Journal of Entrepreneurship

Publishes conceptual and empirical articles on entrepreneurship, facilitating dialogues among academic scholars, business practitioners, and policy makers.


Organization Management Journal

An open access, double-anonymous peer-reviewed online publication, focused on the diffusion of articles on all aspects of management.


PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice

Dedicated to promoting collaborative inquiry and sharing innovative practices among individuals involved in Professional Development Schools or other school–university partnerships.


Public Administration and Policy

An international, peer-reviewed, open access, journal publishing research on public administration and management, specifically in the Asia-Pacific region.


Railway Sciences

Publishes original and significant papers on railway design and planning, civil engineering, equipment and systems, and transportation operation and management.


Rajagiri Management Journal

Rajagiri Management Journal publishes theoretically based, empirically supported peer-reviewed research papers, covering all aspects of management.


RAUSP Management Journal

This journal is dedicated to the dissemination of research and ideas that add value to the work of scholars and practitioners in the field of management.


School University Partnerships

Manuscripts that address antiracism, equity, and social justice, improved P-12 student outcomes, and policies related to school-university partnerships are highly encouraged.


South Asian Journal of Marketing

An international, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on all topics related to marketing with a particular emphasis on the South Asia region.


Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Covers the entire spectrum of the arts, social sciences, and humanities of high-quality theoretical, analytical, and empirical works.


Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC

This journal accepts manuscripts from authors all over the world and articles that cover all international markets, not just the Spanish market.


Tourism Critiques

Open access, peer-reviewed research and commentary in fields related to the development of theory, practice and policy-making that relates to tourism.


VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management

Research papers, perspectives, case studies, and book reviews that can have potential impact on the field of management and business studies.


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