How to guides:
For reviewers

Peer review with us

Becoming and being a peer reviewer is an important role to play in the scholarly landscape. Without reviewers continuing to commit time and passion to their peer review role, the integrity of research would be harder to uphold.

We recognise that life as an academic is often tough and want to support you in your journey to becoming a reviewer, or if you’re an established reviewer to lighten the load with access to tools and resources that we hope you will find helpful.

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Our view

At Emerald, we believe that fair and equitable peer review, and being inclusive to everyone are important aspects of the peer review process. Find out more about our principles and access our guides to help ensure the peer review process is fair, efficient, and effective.

Perspectives and resources on equitable peer review

Equitable peer review is really important to us here at Emerald, and we know it is important to you too. We’ve collated perspectives, articles, blogs and resources from a number of different contributors, all available for you to read and share.

A publisher’s view: three years later

With Peer Review Week upon us once again, we embrace the chance to look more closely at what peer review looks like at Emerald Publishing.


Research integrity in the age of innovation and technology: a conversation with Laura Etchells

Emerald’s Head of Research Integrity, Laura Etchells, discusses the current state of play, the challenges ahead and what we’re putting in place to help shape the future role of peer review.


Mind the gap: Towards gender parity in the peer review process

Given the persistent and unconscious nature of gender bias in the publication process, the underrepresentation of women is a problem that will not solve itself.


Women in peer review

Despite the essential role of women in the publication process in general, they remain low in representation within the scholarly community compared to men.


Benefits of diverse peer review: a publisher’s view

What are the benefits of having more identities in the peer review process, and how can we encourage more identities to be represented in the peer review process?


How can an editor create a more equitable, diverse and inclusive peer review process?

In this blog, we hear from Professor Nataša Rupčić, Editor-in-Chief of The Learning Organization, on creating a more equitable, diverse and inclusive peer review process.


Research articles


Embracing neurodiversity in research: how does academic publishing need to change?

Embracing neurodiversity in research

Following on from a recent webinar discussing neurodiversity in research, the expert panel made many valid points, especially around the impacts of peer review on neurodiverse individuals.

We recognise that academic publishing does need to change. For too long our sector has been shrouded in unhelpful traditions and barriers to participation. It’s why we made it part of our Real Impact manifesto commitments; to develop more equitable & accessible ways to publish research.

These are just some of the main points and takeaways from the session regarding peer review and where we’re looking to make the changes needed:

  • Dr. Sajid Jayadevkar highlighted that the peer review process often has a normative perspective, which can be challenging for neurodivergent researchers to navigate.
  • Dr. Sajid Jayadevkar also emphasised the need to involve neurodiverse academics in the peer review process to ensure a more inclusive and understanding evaluation.
  • Dr. Vicky Mountford-Brown mentioned that finding suitable peer reviewers is a difficult process, especially those who can understand and appreciate neurodivergent perspectives.
  • Dr. Vicky Mountford-Brown and Dr. Kelly Forbes-Simpson discussed how feedback from peer reviewers can sometimes be brutal and discouraging, particularly for early career researchers and those with neurodivergent conditions. They called for more supportive and constructive feedback.

Celebrating the important role of reviewers in academic research

Reviewers ensure the highest integrity of scholarly work, and are passionate about their roles and research disciplines.

Find out more about the importance of reviewers in this short video.

Access to other resources

We have a number of partners at Emerald publishing that also have resources on becoming a reviewer.


Peer review hub

If you are involved with peer review, or want to become a reviewer, visit our peer review hub with everything you need to get started.


Interested in peer reviewing?

Would you like to become a peer reviewer for one of our journals but not sure where to start? We're here to help.

Please fill in the form and one of our team will be in touch to help you find the right journal for you.

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