Our goal for a fairer society

We are passionate about working with researchers globally to deliver a fairer, more inclusive society. This perhaps has never been more important than in today’s divided world.

So, our goal as a leading publisher of impactful research is to help create a society that is just, inclusive and embracing of all without any barriers to participation based on sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief, ethnicity, age, class or ability, where there is access to healthcare and education, technology, justice, strong institutions, peace and security, social protection, decent work and housing. 

Martin Whiteford, Publishing development manager, fairer society

Our goals: Fairer society | Healthier lives | Responsible management | Quality education for all |  Sustainable structures and infrastructures

If you're an author or researcher, or someone who cares as much as we do, we would love to work with you, and help your research make real change happen towards a fairer, more inclusive society. Get in touch.


Our goal to achieve a fairer society

We champion research towards creating a society that’s fair & inclusive, where there’s access to healthcare, education, technology, justice, social protection, work, good housing & peace.


Quality of life: key to social equity?

This quality of life mission invites engagement from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. It also encourages us to consider the relationship between quality of life as a subjective concept and the objective pursuit of a fairer society.

Find out more

Our missions

We have collated a range of resources into themes relating to the UN SDG goals.

Calls for papers

Browse the latest calls for papers in the area of fairer society.

Critical Sports Marketing Research
Submit your paper here!IntroductionSport is an important field of consumption and marketing. Sport commands significant attention from consumers. The consumption of sport can provide opportunities to…
Advances in Smart and Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Innovations, Applications, and Future Directions
Submit your abstract here!Submit your manuscript here!IntroductionThis special issue aims to showcase cutting-edge advancements in smart and intelligent unmanned systems, focusing on innovative…
Generative AI and the Urban AI Policy Challenges Ahead: Trustworthy AI for Whom?
Submit your paper here!IntroductionThe transformative impact of Generative AI (GenAI) and Urban AI is becoming increasingly evident as these technologies redefine societal, economic, and governance…
Police Response to Violence Against Women
Submit your paper here!IntroductionThis special issue seeks to address contemporary challenges, highlight unexplored areas, and identify innovative police responses to violence against women across…
Overcoming Overtourism: are Proximity-based Tourism and Bottom-up Approaches able to both enhance Cultural Heritage and foster place-based innovation?
IntroductionOvertourism has emerged as a critical concern in public, political, and academic discourse due to its adverse impacts on regions and local communities. Addressing overtourism has become…
Autism and Personality Disorders
IntroductionAutistic adults are more likely to be diagnosed with personality disorders than neurotypical populations. Yet, the relationship between autism and personality disorders is complex and…
Diversity, Inclusion and Entrepreneurship: What we know and what we don’t know
Submit your extended abstract here by 30th March 2025Introduction  This Special Issue (SI) focuses on diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship. It is based on the premise that…
Innovative Pathways to Sustainable Community Development: Integrating Global Insights and Practices
Introduction The aim of this special issue on sustainable community development is to identify and disseminate innovative practices, frameworks and research findings that promote environmentally and…
Bruno Latour and Researching Accountability
Introduction This special issue of QRAM is dedicated to Latour’s heritage and legacy: what does accounting become when it embraces the full breadth of accountability, and can it be called upon to…
Contextualizing Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Arab World
Submit your paper here! Introduction The Arab world presents a compelling context for exploring gender and entrepreneurship (Tlaiss, 2015). Comprising 22 nations and over 472 million people (…

Black youth aspirations

Black Youth Aspirations: Imagined Futures and Transitions into Adulthood, by Botshabelo Maja.

Watch the author's video for an overview of the book, and see the infographic, below, highlighting a new conceptual framework introduced in the book.

The OATS framework

OATS (objects, agency, tools and spaces) – a new conceptual framework – looks at how the mechanisms behind the capacity to aspire manifest themselves in working- to middle-class South African youths. It builds on the groundbreaking research by anthropologist Arjun Appadurai on ways in which Mumbai slum dwellers try to lift themselves out of poverty.

Download the infographic

Fairer society open access content

About the research

Explore freely available research to read, download, and share, that focuses on the creation of a just, inclusive society without any barriers to participation.

Explore the content

Opinions & blogs

We welcome contributions from academics, policymakers and professionals about key issues in their area of work. If you have a blog you would like to share, let us know.

Fairer society
Real impact

Reflections on the latest recommendations and the role of publishers in the OA landscape

In December 2024, we launched The Open Lab, a dedicated Incubator unit, to explore the key questions about incentivising open access (OA), enhancing research accessibility, creating better value, the future of paid access, ensuring equity, and real-world impact. What follows is a reflection on the latest recommendations and the role of publishers in the OA landscape.
Fairer society
Real impact

Introducing The Open Lab

Like every independent publisher we strive to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders seeking to both consume and publish academic research content whilst also ensuring the models which provision these are viable and sustainable for our business. Therefore, we’ve recently launched our Open Lab as a dedicated Incubator unit. Find out more in this blog.
Fairer society

Coercive control in LGBTQ+ intimate relationships

Anna Rose Wehren from Loughborough University, UK, discusses coercive control in LGBTQ+ intimate relationships.
Fairer society
Real impact

A publisher’s view: three years later

With Peer Review Week upon us once again, we embrace the chance to look more closely at what peer review looks like at Emerald Publishing.
Fairer society
Real impact

Research integrity in the age of innovation and technology: a conversation with Laura Etchells

At Emerald Publishing, peer reviewing is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the research we publish. So, we sat down with Emerald’s Head of Research Integrity, Laura Etchells, to discuss the current state of play, the challenges ahead and what we’re putting in place to help shape the future role of peer review.
Fairer society

The sky is not the limit: the role of the space industry in improving life while helping shape a fairer society

Manuel Lira showcases how space technology, such as SpaceX's Starlink, enhances quality of life by improving education and healthcare access, while emphasising the need for sustainable policies and responsible stewardship to ensure a fairer future.

News & press

Below we have a collection of news articles centred around aspects of a fairer society.

Real impact
Fairer society
Responsible management

Emerald listed in the Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality 2024

Emerald Publishing recognised as one of only 50 businesses that made this year’s Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality list.
Real impact
Fairer society

Emerald Publishing shortlisted for the IPG’s Alison Morrison Diversity Award

Emerald Publishing is delighted to announce it’s been shortlisted for the 2024 Independent Publishing Awards, Alison Morrison Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award.
Real impact
Fairer society

Emerald shortlisted in the British Book Awards 2023

Emerald Publishing is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted for Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year in the annual British Book Awards.
Fairer society
Real impact

Emerald collaborates with SAGE to amplify the contributions of women on Wikipedia

Emerald has teamed up with SAGE Publishing to increase the representation and public profile of women in social and behavioural sciences on Wikipedia.
Fairer society

Emerald launches its 2022 Global Inclusivity Report

Emerald Publishing has launched its second global inclusivity report to understand academic perceptions and experiences of inclusion.
Fairer society

Emerald Publishing announces commissioning focus on Indigenous communities as part of its Power of diverse voices campaign

Emerald Publishing has announced that this year it will have an increased focus on commissioning Indigenous research to play its part in tackling the challenges, inequalities and injustices Indigenous communities face.

Other resources

Browse our other offerings below.

Case studies

Global teaching materials to engage and inspire. Students can test their assumptions and decision-making skills about real world problems.

Explore cases on Emerald Insight >

ScienceOpen Collection

We've partnered with ScienceOpen to create a fairer society collection that will be updated regularly to reflect our latest mission-related content. 

Browse the collection >

Your publishing development team

Dr Martin Whiteford

I am the Publishing Development Manager for Fairer Society, working across Emerald’s publishing programs for SDG-related research focused on building a just and inclusive society 'where no one is left behind'.

Get in touch

Dr Wendy M Purcell Phd FRSA – Goal advisor

Dr Wendy Purcell is an Academic Research Scholar with Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University since 2016. Her purpose lies in transforming lives through education and research in pursuit of social equity, the knowledge economy and sustainable development. She leads research on global leadership and governance for sustainable transformation in higher education and in various business sectors, directs the Sustainable Development Solutions Group and is Lead Faculty of ENVR-118c Pursuing Sustainability. Wendy is an Emeritus Professor and was President Vice-Chancellor of a UK university (2007–2015), taking it to the top 1% of world universities and 1st 'green' UK university. She is a Council Member of the United Nations University, Governing Board Member EELISA of the European University and Member of the Association of American Universities and Colleges. Wendy has authored over 100-publications and is busy writing books on sustainability and the SDGs and the role of higher education in advancing a world where no one is left behind.