Open access publishing agreements

We work closely with libraries and national consortia to support their goals and requirements for open access research output. A number of organisations have established partnerships with us to cover the cost of an agreed number of gold open access articles or agreed a discount for their regions

Our open access publishing partnerships

As an author, if you are affiliated with one of our partner organisations you may be eligible for a prepaid open access publishing voucher.

We have partnered with the CAUL Australian consortium to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in Australia and New Zealand with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used, based on your institution's eJournal Collection selection, for hybrid journals as well as all gold open access journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence. 

Start your publishing journey


Institution – AustrailaInstitution – New Zealand
  • Bond University Limited (ACN 010 694 121)
  • Charles Darwin University
  • Charles Sturt University
  • CQUniversity
  • Curtin University
  • Deakin University
  • Edith Cowan University
  • Federation University Australia
  • Flinders University
  • Griffith University
  • James Cook University
  • La Trobe University
  • Monash University
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Southern Cross University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of Canberra
  • University of New England Australia
  • University of New South Wales
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Queensland
  • University of South Australia
  • University of Southern Queensland
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Auckland University of Technology
  • Massey University
  • University of Otago
  • University of Waikato
  • Victoria University of Wellington

We have partnered with the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in Austria with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our Emerald hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence. 

Start your publishing journey


  • Universitat Wien
  • Karl Franzens Universitaet Graz
  • University of Innsbruck
  • Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
  • Technische Universitaet Wien
  • Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz
  • Technische Universitaet Graz
  • Universitaet fuer Weiterbildung Krems
  • Universitaetsbibliothek Der Montanuniversitaet Leoben
  • Alpen Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt
  • Fachhochschule Oberosterreich
  • Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol Bildungs GmbH
  • MCI Bibliothek | Library
  • IMC Fachhochschule Krems GmbH
  • FH Joanneum
  • Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH
  • Fh Wien Studiengaenge Der Wkw
  • CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
  • Fachhochschule des Bfi Wien
  • Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH
  • VBK Verbundzentrale
  • Universitat Salzburg
  • Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
  • Landesschulrat für Niederösterreich
  • Landeschulrat Karnten
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Wien

We have partnered with the University of Zagreb to provide them with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at the University of Zagreb you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

We have partnered with the CLC Consortium to provide participating institutions in Cyprus with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher –  Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Cyprus University of Technology
  • Open University of Cyprus
  • University of Cyprus
  • European University Cyprus
  • University of Nicosia

We have partnered with the CzechElib Consortium to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in the Czech Republic with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher  Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

Institution nameInstitution name in English
Knihovna AV ČR, v.v.i.Academy of Sciences CR
Masarykova univerzitaMasaryk University
Moravská zemská knihovna v BrněMoravian Library
Národní technická knihovnaNational Library of Technology
ŠKODA AUTO Vysoká školaŠKODA AUTO University
Vysoké učení technické v BrněBRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
Západočeská univerzita v PlzniUniversity of West Bohemia
Technická univerzita v LiberciTechnical University of Liberec
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve ZlíneTomas Bata University in Zlín
Vysoká škola ekonomická v PrazeUniversity of Economics in Prague

We have partnered with the FinELib Consortium to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in Finland with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Aalto University
  • Abo Akademi University
  • Arcada University of Applied Sciences
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences
  • HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
  • HAMK University of Applied Sciences
  • Hanken School of Economics
  • Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  • Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences
  • Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
  • LAB University of Applied Sciences
  • Lapland University of Applied Sciences
  • Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • LUT University
  • National Board of Patents & Registration of Finland
  • Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences
  • Police University College of Finland
  • Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
  • Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences
  • South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
  • Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisossa
  • Turku University including Turku University Hospital
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Jyvaskyla
  • University of Lapland
  • University of Oulu
  • University of Vaasa
  • Vamk University of Applied Sciences
  • VTT Information Services

We have partnered with the German Consortium P&R to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in Germany with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher  Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

Institution – native languageInstitution – English name
Bayerische StaatsbibliothekBavarian State Library
Bibliothek der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität HamburgHelmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Bibliothek der Hochschule MünchenMunich University of Applied Sciences (HM)
Deutsche BundesbankGerman Central Bank
Duale Hochschule Baden-WürttembergBaden Wurttemberg Cooperative State University
Fachhochschule Münster University of Applied Sciences Munste
FernUniversität in HagenGermany’s State Distance-Learning University
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-NürnbergFriedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Niedersächsische Staats- u. UniversitätsbibliothekGeorg August University of Göttingen  Lower Saxony State and University Library
Heinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Hochschule BremenUniversity of Applied Sciences Bremen
Hochschule BremerhavenUniversity of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
Hochschule der Deutschen BundesbankUniversity of Applied Sciences of the German Federal Bank
Hochschule FuldaUniversity of Applied Sciences Fulda
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften HamburgHamburg University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule fur Künste BremenUniversity of the Arts Bremen
Hochschule HeilbronnUniversity of Applied Sciences Heilbronn
Hochschule ReutlingenReutlingen University
Hochschule Pforzheim - Gestaltung, Technik, Wirtschaft und RechtPforzheim University
Institut für Mittelstandsforschung BonnIFM Bonn
IU Internationale Hochschule GmbHIU International University of Applied Sciences
Katholische Universität Eichstätt - IngolstadCatholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
Leuphana Universität LüneburgLeuphana University Lüneburg
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, UniversitätsbibliothekOtto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek DresdenSaxon State and University Library Dresden
Technische Universität BraunschweigTechnical University of Braunschweig
Technische Universität BerlinTechnical University of Berlin
Technische Universität DresdenTechnical University of Dresden
Technische Universität MünchenTechnical University of Munich
Uniklinik KölnUniversity Hospital Cologne
Universitat BremenUniversity of Bremen
Universität Duisburg-EssenUniversity of Duisburg-Essen
Universität MannheimUniversity of Mannheim
Universität zu KölnUniversity of Cologne
Universitätsklinikum DüsseldorfUniversity Hospital of Düsseldorf
ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftGerman National Library of Economics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
TIB Hannover – Leibniz Universität Hannover / Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek für die Leibniz Universität HannoverTIB - Leibnitz University Hannover  / Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library of Hannover
DIW Berlin - Deutsches Institut für WirtschaftsforschungThe German Institute for Economic Research
WZB Berlin - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für SozialforschungWZB Berlin Social Science Center
RWI Essen - Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für WirtschaftsforschungRhineland-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research
IAMO Halle - Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in TransformationsökonomienLeibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies
IWH - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung HalleHalle Institute for Economic Research
GIGA HamburgGerman Institute for Global and Area Studies
ARL Hannover - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-GemeinschaftAcademy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association
IfW Kiel - Leibniz-Institut für WeltwirtschaftIfW Kiel - Institute for the World Economy
ZEW Mannheim - Zentrum für Europäische WirtschaftsforschungLeibniz Centre for European Economic Research
ifo München - Information and ForschungIfo Institute for Economic Research

We have partnered with the Greek National Consortium (HEAL LINK) to provide participating universities in Greece with discounted APCs.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for a discounted APC which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC discount Discounted APCs can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your discounted APC – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer an APC discount.

Start your publishing journey

  • Academy of Athens
  • Aegean University
  • Agricultural University of Athens
  • Aquaculture Centre of Acheloos (ICHTHICA)
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Athena - Research and Innovation Center
  • Athens School of Fine Arts
  • Athens University of Economics & Business
  • Biomedical Sciences Research Centre Alexander Fleming
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES)
  • Centre for Research and Technology (CERTH)
  • Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH)
  • General Secretariat of Research & Technology (GRST)
  • Harokopio University
  • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
  • Hellenic Open University
  • Hellenic Parliament Library
  • Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI)
  • Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)
  • International Hellenic University
  • Ionion University
  • National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF)
  • National Centre for Scientific Research (DEMOKRITOS)- Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC)
  • National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
  • National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) -National Documentation Centre (NDC)
  • National Library of Greece
  • National Observatory of Athens
  • National Technical University of Athens
  • Panteion University
  • School of Pedagogical & Technical Education (A.S.P.E.T.E)
  • Technical University of Crete
  • "Hellenic Mediterranean University (Previous name TEI Heraklion / TEI Crete)"
  • University of Athens
  • University of Crete
  • University of Ioannina
  • University of Macedonia
  • University of Patras
  • University of Peloponnese
  • University of Piraeus
  • University of Thessaly
  • University of Thrace
  • University of Western Macedonia
  • University of West Attica

We have partnered with the EISZ Consortium to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in Hungary with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

Institution nameInstitution name (EN)
Budapesti Corvinus EgyetemCorvinus University of Budapest
Budapesti Gazdasági EgyetemBudapest Business University
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi EgyetemBudapest University of Technology and Economics
IBS - Nemzetközi Üzleti FőiskolaInternational Business School
Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Közgyűjteményi KözpontHungarian National Museum Public Collection Centre, Budapest
Nemzeti Közszolgálati EgyetemNational University of Public Service
Oktatási HivatalEducational Authority
Pécsi TudományegyetemUniversity of Pécs
Soproni EgyetemUniversity of Sopron
Széchenyi István EgyetemSzéchenyi István University

We have partnered with the Irish Consortium IRel to provide participating universities, higher education, and research institutions in Ireland with an unlimited number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – You are eligible for an APC voucher if you are a staff member or student at a participating institution at the point of acceptance.

Where you can use your APC voucher  Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Further information for IReL members can be found here

Start your publishing journey

  • Dublin City University
  • Higher Education Authority
  • National University of Ireland Galway
  • National University of Ireland Maynooth
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • Science Foundation Ireland
  • Technological University Dublin
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Limerick
  • Mary Immaculate College

We have partnered with the National Israeli Consortium (MALMAD) to provide participating universities in Israel with discounted APCs. 

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for a discounted APC which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC discount Discounted APCs can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your discounted APC – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer an APC discount.

Start your publishing journey

  • University of Haifa
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Braude College of Engineering Karmiel
  • Tel Aviv University
  • Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Bar-Ilan University
  • Ben Gurion University of the Negev
  • Reichman University
  • The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College
  • Ruppin Academic Center
  • Tel Hai Academic College
  • Ariel University in Samaria

We have partnered with the Italian Academic Consortium CRUI to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in Italy with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

Italian nameEnglish name
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"Bari University
Università degli Studi di BergamoBergamo University
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaBologna University
Libera Università di BolzanoFree University Of Bolzano
Università degli Studi di BresciaBrescia University
Università della CalabriaCalabria University
Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreCatholic Sacred Heart University Of Milan
Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti PescaraChieti "Gabriele D'Annunzio" University
Università degli Studi di FirenzeFlorence University
Universita degli Studi di MilanoUniversity of Milan
Istituto Italiano di TecnologiaItalian Technology Institution In Genova
Università dell'InsubriaInsubria University
Università Politecnica delle MarchePolitecnic University Of The Marche
Università degli Studi di Milano BicoccaMilan Bicocca University
Politecnico di MilanoPolitecnic Of Milan
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaModena And Reggio Emilia University
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"Naples Federic Ii University
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope"Naples Parthenope University
Università degli Studi di PadovaPadova University
Università degli Studi di ParmaParma University
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"Eastern Piemonte University
Scuola Superiore "S.Anna" di PisaSaint Anna High School
Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali "Guido Carli" - LUISSRome Luiss G Carli University
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"Rome Tor Vergata University
Università degli Studi Roma TreRome Tre (Three) University
Università degli Studi di SalernoSalerno University
Università degli Studi di SienaSiena University
Politecnico di TorinoTurin Politecnic
Università degli Studi di TrentoTrento University
Università degli Studi di UdineUdine University
Università Ca' Foscari VeneziaVenice Ca' Foscari University
Università degli Studi di VeronaVerona University
Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo"Urbino University
Università degli Studi di MessinaMessina University
Università degli Studi di PaviaPavia University
Universita degli Studi di SannioUniversity of Sannio of Benevento
Universita Commerciale Luigi BocconiBocconi University
Universita’ di TriesteUniversity of Trieste

We have partnered with the LMBA - Lithuanian consortia to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in Lithuania with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our Emerald hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey


  • Klaipeda University
  • Kaunas University of Technology
  • ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Vilnius University
  • Vytautas Magnus University
  • Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania
  • Mykolas Romeris University
  • LCC International University
  • General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
  • SMK College of Applied Sciences
  • Kaunas College
  • Vilniaus kolegija University of Applied Sciences
  • Siauliai State College
  • Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences
  • Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences
  • Panevezys College

We have partnered with the University of Malta to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in Malta with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our Emerald hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence. 

Start your publishing journey


  • University of Malta

We have partnered with the Netherlands National Consortium (SURF) to provide participating universities in the Netherlands with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you are unable to receive a voucher due to being fully allocated, you will be eligible for discounted APCs.

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Where you can use your APC discount – Discounted APCs can be used for publishing in our hybrid and fully open access journals that are included in your institution's subscription package. Contact your librarian for more details

How to use your discounted APC – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer an APC discount.

Start your publishing journey

  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
  • Open Universiteit Nederland
  • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • Technische Universiteit Delft
  • Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Universiteit Leiden
  • Universiteit Maastricht
  • Universiteit van Tilburg
  • Universiteit Twente
  • Universiteit Utrecht
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Wageningen Universiteit

We have partnered with the Norwegian National Consortium (CERES) to provide participating universities in Norway with discounted APCs. 

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for a discounted APC which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC discount Discounted APCs can be used for publishing in our hybrid and fully open access journals.

How to use your discounted APC – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer an APC discount.

Start your publishing journey


  • Høyskolen Kristiania - Ernst G Mortensens Stiftelse
  • Handelshøyskolen BI
  • Nasjonalbiblioteket
  • Nofima
  • Nord Universitet
  • Norges Handelshøyskole
  • Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
  • OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet (tidligere HIOA)
  • UiO : Universitetsbiblioteket
  • UiT - Norges arktiske universitet
  • Universitetet i Agder
  • Universitetet I Stavanger
  • Universitetet I Sørøst-Norge
  • Departementenes Sikkerhets- Og Serviceorganisasjon
  • Hogskolen i Innlandet Inland
  • Høgskolen i Molde
  • Hogskolen i Ostfold
  • Hogskulen pa Vestlandet

Member (EN)

  • Kristiania University College
  • Norwegian Business School
  • National Library of Norway
  • Nofima the food research institute
  • Nord University
  • Norwegian School Of Economics
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (previously HIOA)
  • University Of Oslo Library
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • University of Agder
  • University Of Stavanger
  • University Of South-Eastern Norway
  • Norwegian Government Security And Service Organisation
  • Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Molde University College
  • Ostfold University College
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

We have partnered with the Polish Academic Consortium (coordinated by ICM University of Warsaw) to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in Poland with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

Polish nameEnglish name
AGH University of KrakowAGH University of Science and Technology
Politechnika CzęstochowskaCzestochowa University of Technology
Politechnika GdańskaGdansk University of Technology
Politechnika LubelskaLublin University of Technology
Politechnika PoznańskaPoznan University of Technology
Politechnika WarszawskaWarsaw University of Technology
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w KrakowieCracow University of Economics
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w PoznaniuPoznan University of Economics and Business
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we WrocławiuWroclaw University of Economics
Uniwersytet GdańskiUniversity of Gdansk
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w KielcachJan Kochanowski University
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-SkłodowskiejMaria Curie-Sklodowska University
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-MazurskiUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie / SGHWarsaw School of Economics
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we WroclawiuWrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Politechnika WroclawskaWroclaw University of Science and Technology

We have partnered with the Portuguese National Consortium (B-ON) to provide participating universities in Portugal with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Catolica Porto
  • Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
  • Universidade Aberta
  • Universidade de Aveiro
  • Universidade de Lisboa
  • Universidade do Algarve
  • Universidade do Minho
  • Universidade do Porto

We have partnered with the COSEC Consortium to provide participating institutions in Slovenia with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica
  • Univerza Na Primorskem
  • Univerza v Mariboru
  • Institute for Economic Research
  • Institut of Oncology Ljubljana
  • Institut Jozef Stefan
  • University of Ljubljana (+ Central Technological Library - @ctk)
  • DOBA
  • GEA

We have partnered with the SANLIC Consortium to provide participating institutions in South Africa with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Central University of Technology Free State
  • Durban University of Technology
  • Mangosuthu University of Technology
  • Nelson Mandela University
  • North West University (Noordwes Universiteit)
  • Rhodes University
  • Stellenbosch University incl University of Stellenbosch Business School
  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • University of Botswana
  • University of Cape Town incl University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business
  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Limpopo
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of South Africa
  • University of the Free State
  • University of the Western Cape
  • University of the Witwatersrand incl Wits Business School
  • University of Venda
  • University of Zululand
  • Vaal University of Technology
  • Walter Sisulu University
  • Sol Plaatje University
  • University of Fort Hare
  • University of Namibia

We have partnered with the CBUA Consortium to provide participating institutions in Spain with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Universidad de Almeria
  • Universidad de Cadiz
  • Universidad de Cordoba
  • Universidad de Granada
  • Universidad de Huelva
  • Universidad de Jaen
  • Universidad de Malaga
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Univesidad Internacional de Andalucía

We have partnered with the Catalonian Consortium (CSUC) in Spain to provide participating universities in Catalonia with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

  • Biblioteca de Catalunya
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Universitat de Girona
  • Universitat de Lleida
  • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Universitat Rovira I Virgili

We have partnered with the Consortium of University Libraries of Castilla and León to provide participating universities in Spain with discounted APCs.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for a discounted APC which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC discountDiscounted APCs can be used for publishing in our hybrid and fully open access journals.

How to use your discounted APC – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer an APC discount.

Start your publishing journey

  • Universidad de Leon
  • Universidad de Salamanca
  • Universidad de Valladolid
  • Universidad de Burgos

We have partnered with the BIBSAM Consortium to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in Sweden with an agreed number of APC vouchers. Vouchers are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC voucher  Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

MemberMember (EN)
Blekinge Tekniska HögskolaBlekinge Institute Of Technology
Chalmers Tekniska HögskolaChalmers University of Technology
FörsvarshögskolanSwedish Defence University
Göteborgs UniversitetUniversity Of Gothenburg
Handelshögskolan i StockholmStockholm School of Economics
Högskolan DalarnaDalarna University
Högskolan i BoråsUniversity of Borås
Högskolan i GävleUniversity of Gävle
Högskolan i HalmstadHalmstad University
Högskolan i JönköpingJönköping University
Högskolan i SkövdeUniversity of Skövde
Högskolan KristianstadKristianstad University
Högskolan VästUniversity West
Karlstads UniversitetKarlstad University
Kungl. Tekniska HögskolanRoyal Institute of Technology
Linköpings UniversitetLinköping University
LinnéuniversitetetLinnaeus University
Luleå Tekniska UniversitetLuleå University of Technology
Lunds UniversitetLund University
Mälardalens HögskolaMälardalen University
Malmö UniversitetMalmö University
MittuniversitetetMid Sweden University
Örebro UniversitetÖrebro University
Södertörns HögskolaSödertörn University
Statens Väg- och transportforskningsinstitutSwedish National Road And Transport Research Institute
Stockholms UniversitetStockholm University
Sveriges LantbruksuniversitetSwedish University Of Agricultural Sciences
Umeå UniversitetUmeå University
Uppsala UniversitetUppsala University

We have partnered with PALCI - Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium Inc to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in the United States of America with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. 

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our Emerald hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence. 

Start your publishing journey


  • Cairn University
  • Duquesne University
  • Franklin and Marshall College
  • Lehigh University
  • New York University
  • Rowan University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Villanova University

We have partnered with SCELC - Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium to provide participating universities and higher education institutions in the United States of America with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility  – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. 

Where you can use your APC voucher – Vouchers can be used for publishing in our Emerald hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence. 

Start your publishing journey


  • Abilene Christian University
  • Azusa Pacific University
  • Bushnell University
  • Chapman University
  • Claremont Colleges
  • Fielding Graduate University
  • Institute for Defense Analyses
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • National University
  • RAND Corp
  • Saint Mary’s College of Califiornia
  • Santa Clara University
  • Texas State University
  • Texas Woman’s University
  • University of Denver
  • University of San Diego
  • University of Southern California
  • UT SouthwesternMedical Center

We have partnered with the Texas A&M University to provide them with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at the Texas A&M University you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be applied at the point of which your article is accepted. Vouchers are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Where you can use your APC voucher   Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid and gold journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey

We have partnered with the  JISC Consortium to provide participating universities, higher education and research institutions in the United Kingdom with an agreed number of APC vouchers.

Eligibility – If you are an author based at a participating institution you are eligible for an APC voucher which will be allocated at the point of which your article is accepted.

Where you can use your APC voucher   Vouchers can be used for publishing in our hybrid journals.

How to use your open access publishing voucher – On acceptance of the article the system will automatically recognise your institution and offer a voucher. Please select the voucher and confirm the CCBY4.0 licence.

Start your publishing journey


  • University of Greenwich


Do you want to find out more about publishing partnerships?

If you have any questions about our existing partnerships and APC voucher eligibility please get in touch.

  • Current Your details
  • Area(s) of interest
  • Consent

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