Our goal for responsible management
We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working. Where institutions recognise that governance should be just, lawful and built on ethical and sustainable practices, we will work with them to facilitate the real impact of what they do. We look forward to working with institutions that lead with integrity and are underpinned by robust management systems, and that are educating future leaders across all industries.
If this aligns with your institution’s vision, and if you’re passionate about decent work for all that doesn’t discriminate or cause harm to economies, communities or resources, then we want to support you in ensuring your work reaches a wide audience with real-world impact.
Jo Jones, Publishing Development Manager, Responsible Management.
Our goals: Fairer society | Healthier lives | Responsible management | Quality education for all | Sustainable structures and infrastructures
If you would like to know more or see your work shared here with the wider community, please do get in touch with Jo Jones. Get in touch.
Our goal for responsible management
We want to work with others who share our goal of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

Framework development for the prevention of food loss and waste: An analysis along the fresh food supply chain
The 2022 winner of the Emerald & EFMD outstanding doctoral research awards is Vanessa Sofia Melo Magalhães, who won for her work on food waste along fresh food supply chains.
Read more about Vanessa Sofia Melo Magalhães’s research, and download the infographic

Gender equality: what’s taking us so long?
According to the United Nations, the world is NOT ON TRACK to achieve gender equality by 2030; not even close. But what are the root causes of this equality and how can we accelerate the activity that will have a real impact and bring us closer to a truer global equality? Find out in this mission on SDG5 Gender Equality.

Poverty: can we break the cycle?
Find out everything you need to know about the subject of poverty, what the current research is saying, and the areas we'd love to see more research from in the future.

Introducing Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption
Aligned to UN SDG 12, responsible consumption and production, this fully open access journal will advance knowledge and understanding to help shape a sustainable future. Edited by Professor David Loseby, Leeds University Business School, UK, research is welcomed that focuses on all aspects of responsible production and consumption, highlighting how we can do more with less.
Calls for papers
Browse the latest calls for papers in the area of responsible management.
Open access content

Responsible management open access content
Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that champions thought leadership by being both a critic and supporter of responsible management research, knowledge exchange and education.

Sustainable food systems
Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that focuses on sustainable food systems.

Virtual special issue: handling extreme climate events
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management has published a virtual issue on the subject of extreme climate events. Read these articles for free here.
Opinions & blogs
We welcome contributions from academics, policymakers and professionals about key issues in their area of work. If you have a blog you would like to share, let us know.
News & press
Below we have a collection of news articles centred around aspects of responsible management.
Other resources
Browse our other offerings below.

Case studies
Global teaching materials to engage and inspire. Students can test their assumptions and decision-making skills about real world problems.

Content alerts
Stay connected to the latest research, delivered directly to your inbox.

ScienceOpen Collection
We've partnered with ScienceOpen to create a responsible management collection that will be updated regularly to reflect our latest mission-related content.
Your publishing development team

Jo Jones
As the Publishing Development Manager working on Responsible Management and publisher for the new open access journal of Responsible Production and Consumption (JRPC), I look forward to working closely with your communities to develop the best pathways to dissemination of impactful research. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Richard Oloruntoba – Goal advisor
Richard is Supply Chain Management Discipline Lead and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Curtin Business School, Perth, Western Australia. Richard has background business experience in sales, freight forwarding and transport in Nigeria and the United Kingdom before beginning an academic career in 2001 at the Institute of Marine Studies, University of Plymouth, England. He has taught logistics and supply chain management in UK and Australian Universities for over 20 years, and has published several articles and book chapters in the area of logistics and supply chain management with a focus on humanitarian aid, disaster response and sustainability. He is a Senior Associate Editor of the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.