Publish an open access book

Discover how you can publish an open access book or book chapter with us.

At Emerald Publishing, our aim is to help researchers make their findings open to all, giving them the opportunity to create real impact and drive positive change across the world.

Whether publishing a single article or chapter open access, or full OA books, we offer choice and flexibility when it comes to publishing open access.

Benefits of publishing an open access book or chapter

Choosing to publish open access means the full text of your book is immediately and permanently available online for anyone to access.


All book proposals are rigorously peer-reviewed and we actively participate in initiatives such as Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines and NISO Open Discovery Initiative.


Your work can be reused in a variety of ways with the liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0), which is compliant with current funder mandates.


Your book will have its own ISBN and will be discoverable globally in Emerald Insight, the Books Citation Index, SCOPUS, OAPEN librar.y and indexed by traditional search engines.


Our experienced book editorial team is on hand to support you throughout the publishing process and we have a wealth of services and tools to help you write, publish and promote your work.

Print and eBook

Your book will be printed on demand and will be available from all standard outlets. We welcome supplementary data or files as part of your eBook.

Types of open access books

We offer open access publishing across all our book formats. Choose the one that best suits your research. 


Detailed written studies that focus on a single, specialist aspect of your field. We publish single-authored monographs and edited collections, both as part of an existing series, or as a single title.


Comprehensive and authoritative works on topics across social sciences and business.

Emerald Points

A short form, quick-to-publish book format, peer reviewed research of between 20 and 50,0000 words, published within 12 weeks of acceptance of the final manuscript.

Professional business titles

Applied content across a broad range of subjects including marketing, leadership, and human resource management.

Book processing charges

Monograph £10,160 $13,715 €11,685
Short-form £6775 $9145 €7790
Handbook £13545 $18290 €15575
ICE books £10160 $13715 €11685

Chapter processing charges

Length of chapter GBP USD EUR
Fewer than 5,000 words £1,100 $1,475 €1,265
5,000 - 8,000 words £1,400 $1,875 €1,610
8,000 - 15,000 £1,800 $2,410 €2,070

Under the United Kingdom (UK) VAT guidelines, VAT at the standard rate of 20% will be added for any non-business customers in the UK and other European Union (EU) countries. Business customers from outside the UK who can provide a valid VAT registration number will not be charged 20% VAT. Non-business customers outside of the EU will be outside the scope of UK VAT.

Publish a book

Follow our easy guide to publishing a book. Prepare and submit your proposal and read about the peer review process.

Get ready to publish

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