Welcome to our home for business, management & strategy research. This page is designed to help authors find a home for their work and to help librarians identify suitable eJournal and eBook collections for their researchers.
Our research covers all aspects of business such as management, strategy, circular economy, consumer behaviour, CSR, globalisation, leadership, project management, sustainable supply chains, and more.

Our goals
This subject area is aligned with Responsible management, one of our interdisciplinary goals, each of which is aligned to multiple SDGs so we can ensure that the research we publish can fully play its part in solving significant global challenges.
If you want to find out more about we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, take a look at our goals page.

For authors & researchers
If you're a researcher and/or a published or prospective author, here's where you'll find details of our business, management & strategy journals, books and case studies.
- Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración
- American Journal of Business
- Annals in Social Responsibility
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
- Baltic Journal of Management
- Chinese Management Studies
- Competitiveness Review
- Continuity & Resilience Review
- Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (previously Cross Cultural Management)
- EuroMed Journal of Business
- European Business Review
- European Journal of Innovation Management
- International Journal of Conflict Management
- International Journal of Emerging Markets
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
- International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
- International Journal of Innovation Science
- International Journal of Law and Management
- International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
- International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
- International Journal of Wine Business Research
- Journal of Advances in Management Research
- Journal of Asia Business Studies
- Journal of Business Strategy
- Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
- Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
- Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
- Journal of Family Business Management
- Journal of Global Responsibility
- Journal of Indian Business Research
- Journal of International Trade Law and Policy
- Journal of Management History
- Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
- Journal of Strategy and Management
- Management Research Review
- Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management
- Measuring Business Excellence
- Multinational Business Review
- Nankai Business Review International
- Review of International Business and Strategy (Formerly International Journal of Commerce and Management)
- Social Enterprise Journal
- Society and Business Review
- South Asian Journal of Business Studies
- Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal
- Strategy & Leadership
- Technological Sustainability
- Journal of Service Management
- Technological Sustainability
- Journal of Service Management

Case studies
Publish your case studies in one of two dedicated journals: Emerging Markets Case Studies and The CASE Journal.
In partnership with several organisations from around the world, we offer a range of case writing competitions.
- Business administration
- Business and international management
- Business and management history
- Business ethics and law
- Business excellence
- Business strategy
- Circular economy
- Competitiveness
- Conflict management
- Consumer behaviour
- Corporate social responsibility
- Cultural studies/globalisation
- Disruptive technologies and digital innovation
- Diversity and Inclusion in Leadership
- Emerging markets
- Family business
- Human resource management
- International business
- Organisational behaviour
- Organisational theory
- Performance management
- Project management
- Responsible management education
- Strategic orientation
- Sustainable business practices
- Sustainable supply chains

For librarians
If you're a librarian, here's where you'll find details of how to access our eJournal and eBook collections on Emerald Insight.

Access our eJournal & eBook collections on Emerald Insight
Journal and book content on Emerald Insight can be accessed through a range of flexible subscription and purchase options. Match content collections to user needs by choosing from comprehensive subject collections or flexible ‘select’ models.
Find out more about eJournal collections and eBook collections.

Business, Management & Strategy eJournal Collection
A 2023 subscription includes access to 56 journals. In 2021, this collection had 36.6 million downloads.
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Responsible management open access content
Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that champions thought leadership by being both a critic and supporter of responsible management research, knowledge exchange and education.
Publish your article or book with us
If you want to publish an article in any of the journals listed on this page, you can find all the information you need – and submit your paper – on each journal's homepage.
If you're interested in authoring a book in this subject area, please visit our Get ready to publish a book page where you'll find contact details for individual publishers.
If you want to speak to one of the team about publishing your work, please fill in this form and one of the team will get back to you.