Welcome to our home for education research. This page is designed to help authors find a home for their work and to help librarians identify suitable eJournal and eBook collections for their researchers.
Our research covers all aspects of education such as administration and policy in education, distance learning, multicultural education, technology in education, work-based learning, and more.

Our goals
This subject area is aligned with Quality education for all, one of our interdisciplinary goals, each of which is aligned to multiple SDGs so we can ensure that the research we publish can fully play its part in solving significant global challenges.
If you want to find out more about we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, take a look at our goals page.

For authors & researchers
If you're a researcher and/or a published or prospective author, here's where you'll find details of our education journals and books.
- Asian Education and Development Studies
- Education + Training
- English Teaching: Practice & Critique
- Health Education
- History of Education Review
- Interactive Technology and Smart Education
- International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
- International Journal of Comparative Education and Development
- International Journal of Educational Management
- International Journal of Information and Learning Technology
- International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
- Journal for Multicultural Education
- Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
- Journal of Educational Administration
- Journal of International Education in Business
- On the Horizon: The International Journal of Learning Futures
- Qualitative Research Journal
- Quality Assurance in Education
- Social Studies Research and Practice
- Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education

Culture Practices in Education
We are seeking short-form Emerald Points proposals that explore the connection between cultural practices and education, identifying research needs in areas of concern such as the management of multicultural education, multicultural approaches to pedagogy and how leaders can create a culturally responsive classroom environment.
Proposals might consider global Indigenous and decolonial perspectives, what a thriving decolonial educational system looks like and the educational leadership that is needed and required to get us there.
If you are interested in submitting a book proposal please contact Kirsty Woods
- Multicultural education
- Practice-based learning
- Sustainability in higher education
- Teacher education
- Technology in education
- Theory of education and pedagogy
- Vocational education and training
- Work-based learning

For librarians
If you're a librarian, here's where you'll find details of how to access our eJournal and eBook collections on Emerald Insight.

Access our eJournal & eBook collections on Emerald Insight
Journal and book content on Emerald Insight can be accessed through a range of flexible subscription and purchase options. Match content collections to user needs by choosing from comprehensive subject collections or flexible ‘select’ models.
Find out more about eJournal collections and eBook collections.

Education eJournal Collection
A 2023 subscription includes access to 23 journals. In 2021, this collection had 1.2 million downloads

Quality education for all open access content
Explore freely available research to read, download and share, that highlights fundamental challenges facing education and learning today.
Publish your article or book with us
If you want to publish an article in any of the journals listed on this page, you can find all the information you need – and submit your paper – on each journal's homepage.
If you're interested in authoring a book in this subject area, please visit our Get ready to publish a book page where you'll find contact details for individual publishers.
If you want to speak to one of the team about publishing your work, please fill in this form and one of the team will get back to you.