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Journal of Professional Capital and Community is an international, professionally refereed, scholarly journal, reflecting the most important ideas and evidence of the nature and impact of interactions and relationships in the education profession, especially in the school sector.

For the first time, in one single place of scholarly research and inquiry, this journal brings together the most influential leading thinkers and emerging scholars on professional cultures, communities and collegiality and how they all contribute to or impede the development of the professional capital in schools and school systems that enhances students’ learning, wellbeing, achievement and engagement.

ISSN: 2056-9548
eISSN: 2056-9556

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Journal of Professional Capital and Community (JPCC) raises and aims to address issues like:

  • Individualism and collaboration in teaching
  • The processes involved in building professional cultures and communities
  • Leadership and team building, coaching and mentoring
  • Collective responsibility and evidence-based transparency
  • How sustainable collaboration evolves over time and its impact on quality of teaching and student outcomes
  • How collaboration produces and depends on the dynamics of risk and trust
  • The relationship collaboration has to other aspects of educational reform and improvement such as school competition, assessment and accountability and curriculum standards

JPCC looks at how professional culture and community and the ways to invest in and build professional capital vary across continents, countries and cultures. The journal identifies the positive aspects of professional interactions and relationships but also raises critical questions about how professional culture can be manipulated, how professional collaboration can be restricted and misused, and how collegiality can become constrained or contrived.

JPCC welcomes and supports contributions from a range of disciplines, and supports a broad spectrum of methodologies including quantitative and qualitative approaches, documentary study, action research and conceptual development.

Find out more about publishing with us.

Voices from the field

Voices from the field (VFTF) provides a novel forum to hear from the readership of the Journal of Professional Capital and Community. We are publishing pieces in VFTF on a rolling basis. Click on the link below if you are interested in contributing insight, experiences, and feedback in relation to scholarship published in JPCC.

Recent contributions to voices from the field


Episode 5: VFTF New Article Preview: Creating safe spaces in a professional community for school leadership development

In this episode, Drs. Klar Hans, Noelle Paufler, Angela Carter introduce their new article: “Learning With and From Each Other: Creating Safe Spaces in a Professional Community for School Leadership Development".

Find out more and listen to the podcast


Episode 4: VFTF New article preview: Teacher entrepreneurial behaviour

In this episode, Drs. Maxwell Ho and Jiafang Lu introduce their new article: "Measuring teacher entrepreneurial behavior: a scale development and validation study.

Find out more and listen to the podcast


Episode 3: Voices from the ICSEI 2024 conference

For this episode of VFTF, we interviewed participants of the 2024 International Congress for School Effectiveness (ICSEI) annual conference.

Find out more and listen to the podcast

Audio & video

Episode 2: Research for early career teachers

Lachlan Arundell provides an overview of his experience of research as a pre-service and early career teacher and outlines how research has supported and augmented his teaching practice.

Find out more and listen to the podcast

Watch the video


Episode 1: Global perspectives

For our first episode of VFTF we have created a collaboration between the JPCC special issue on Professionalism in the Pandemic and the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)

Find out more and listen to the podcast

Professionalism in the pandemic

Martin Scanlan, Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Capital and Community, talks with Alma Harris, Pak Tee Ng, and Pasi Sahlberg in this video supplement of the journal's special issue ‘Professionalism in the Pandemic’. Martin asks:

  • Should educators change how they think about professionalism in light of the pandemic?
  • Is the pandemic challenging and disrupting or transforming educational leadership in schools and school systems?
  • What lies ahead: A new normal or business as usual?

This title is aligned with our quality education for all goal

We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can start to find ways we can all be part of the solution.

SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
Find out about our quality education for all goal