Responsible leadership


Emerald and SDGs
An Emerald mission in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible leaders take business decisions that consider all stakeholders; they examine both sustainability and equitability, and learn from the communities they serve.    

Here, we’ve collated some articles, books, podcasts and more that discuss the workplace issues faced by the responsible leaders of today.

This mission supports our Responsible management goal

Section 1

Key questions

How can leaders increase inclusivity & banish bias?

Focusing on awareness, breaking down barriers, and acknowledging unconscious biases will allow diversity and inclusivity to permeate an organisation.

Management decision: video abstract

Quality of group decisions by board members: a hidden-profile experiment

Author Tessa Coffeng describes the the methodology, outcomes and conclusions of a study on decision making by board members.

Some groups used well-known discussion procedures and others did not, and despite only one fifth of the groups choosing the most appropriate option, those involved were satisfied with their decision making.  

Corporate comms – how can they champion equity & diversity? 

Here we feature articles that investigate the role of corporate practices in advancing organisational diversity and inclusion.

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Responsible leadership & management article collection

A selection of popular up-to-date responsible leadership-related journal content.

See all articles

Section 3

Special issues

Increasing equitability, leading during COVID-19, de-centering leadership and more

Selected special issues that include relevant articles.

Section 4

Publish your paper with us

Calls for papers

We’ve collated relevant calls for papers for forthcoming special issues. If you don’t see a call that’s right for you, you can browse all of our journal calls for papers.

section 5

Books & book series

New book series

We think we’ve got some of the best books out there on the topic of leadershipFor starters, we have our series, Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture.

Leadership in Middle Earth

Michael J Urick (2021)

Using leadership and management examples from the works of JRR Tolkien, this book examines mentorship, team dynamics and ethical leadership amongst other themes.  

Recent books

Book series & individual titles

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section 7

Other information

Emerald Open Research gateways

Articles in these gateways will always be free to browse, download and share.

Sustainable food systems gateway

This gateway aims to address scientific, sociological, political and economic challenges around sustainable food systems to offer solutions for development and drive change.

Responsible management gateway

This gateway sits on our open access platform, Emerald Open Research. All research published within the gateway is freely available to read, download and share.

The power of diverse voices

Read our global inclusivity report, and get access to thought-provoking articles and free research content. 

Find out more

Content alerts

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Mission-led research – our goals

Our core area of focus is interdisciplinary research aligned with the UN SDGs, with these key goals in mind, all of which are about creating real world impact, at a time when it's needed most.

Fairer society

We are passionate about working with researchers globally to deliver a fairer, more inclusive society. This perhaps has never been more important in today’s divided world...



Healthier lives

We understand the value of a world that recognises and protects the most vulnerable and acknowledges the importance of a healthy mind as well as a healthy body...



Responsible management

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working...



Quality education for all

We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can find ways we can all be part of the solution...



Sustainable structures and infrastructures

We recognise the transformative power of sustainable engineering, design and building practices in creating a world where our planet and its inhabitants can thrive.

