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Virtual Special Issue: Handling Extreme Climate Events

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

The increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme events such as very high temperatures as currently seen now in southern Europe and south-east Asia, as well as drought, floods or fires, is a matter of concern to governments, scientists and the general public. There is a perceived need to better understand these extreme events, which is an essential step in addressing them, and prevent their many consequences. In order to support this debate and catalyse the search for solutions, the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (IJCCSM) a fully indexed, open access journal,  has produced a "virtual special issue", with some of the papers it has published on the topic of extreme events. These are now available, free of charges, using the links below:

Climate change and extremes: implications on city livability and associated health risks across the globe
Climate change, extreme events and mental health in the Pacific region
Coping with floods: impacts, preparedness and resilience capacity of Greek micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in flood-affected areas
Disaster and risk management in outdoor recreation and tourism in the context of climate change
Livelihood vulnerability of Borana pastoralists to climate change and variability in Southern Ethiopia

Colleagues interested to make submissions to IJCCSM can do so by following the details provided to authors, which are available here.