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JGM publishes research on global employees, including corporate and self-initiated expatriates and other migrants crossing borders for work purposes. Among those are, for example, inpatriates, international business travellers, short-term assignees and international commuters.

ISSN: 2049-8799
eISSN: 2049-8799

Aims and scope

Research on global mobility and global employees

JGM provides an outlet for research on topics of global mobility and all types of global employees. JGM caters to a community of scholars and practitioners interested in theoretical and empirical perspectives of global mobility as well as antecedents, correlates and consequences of activities and phenomena associated with global mobility

New domains or new insights from re-examination

JGM is especially interested in exploring new domains of global mobility or new insights gained from re-examining established topics. While most contributions are empirical, achieved with quantitative and/or qualitative methodology, we also welcome rigorous theoretical developments as well as focused but comprehensive literature reviews.

One month turnaround policy for first submission

JGM aims to provide constructive feedback to authors within one month of submission of a new manuscript. Our 30-day turnaround policy is facilitated by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors, who will encourage high-quality, detailed and developmental feedback from reviewers to all submitting authors. However, the quality of each manuscript can influence the effectiveness of the review process. As such, manuscripts that are well developed and well written make the review process easier to facilitate and generally results in better feedback to authors.


JGM publishes research on global employees, including corporate and self-initiated expatriates and other migrants crossing borders for work purposes. Among those are, for example, inpatriates, international business travellers, short-term assignees and international commuters. We are also interested in research on global employees in non-corporate communities, such as, diplomats, academics, international school teachers, international volunteers, military, missionaries, sports professionals, international artists and healthcare employees. Last but not least, research on low status expatriates are of great interest to JGM. Associated topics, such as global leadership, recruitment and staffing of global employees, global talent management and global virtual teams are also relevant to the journal. We also encourage research on key stakeholders involved with global employees, such as family members (e.g., spouses/partners and children), host country nationals who work with global employees and global mobility professionals.

Key benefits

  • JGM is the only academic journal to consistently and exclusively focus on global mobility and the management of global employees. 
  • JGM is the premier publishing outlet for authors and readers interested in topics and issues associated with global mobility and managing global employees.

This title supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

As a leading social science publisher, we're passionate about leading change, and align everything we do with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our core area of focus is interdisciplinary research aligned with the SDGs, with these key goals in mind – Fairer society, Healthier lives, Responsible management, Quality education for all, and Sustainable structures and infrastructures – all of which are about creating real-world impact, at a time when it's needed most.

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