Jan Selmer, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Mobility
• JGM is the only academic journal to consistently and exclusively focus on topics of global mobility and all types of global employees.
• JGM publishes research on global employees, including corporate and self-initiated expatriates and other migrants crossing borders for work purposes. Among those are, for example, inpatriates, international business travelers, short-term assignees, and international commuters.
• We are also interested in research on global employees in non-corporate communities, such as diplomats, academics, international school teachers, international volunteers, military, missionaries, sports professionals, international artists and healthcare employees.
• Last, but not least, research on low status expatriates are of great interest to JGM.
• Associated topics, such as global leadership, recruitment and staffing of global employees, global talent management and global virtual teams are also relevant to the journal.
• We also encourage research on key stakeholders involved with global employees, such as family members (e.g., spouses/partners and children), host country nationals who work with global employees, and global mobility professionals.
Submit your manuscript to JGM: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jgmob.