Title listings: Marketing
Listings show titles for 2025 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.
Topical coverage
- Advertising
- AI applications to marketing
- Arts marketing
- Branding
- Business-to-business marketing
- Co-creation of value
- Consumer behaviour
- Corporate communications
- Customer experience and word-of-mouth marketing
- Fashion marketing
- Financial services marketing
- History of marketing
- International marketing
- Marketing strategy
- Marketing within the context of social responsibility
- Multi-channel marketing
- Neuromarketing
- Non-profit marketing
- Place branding
- Relationship marketing
- Services marketing
- Sponsorship
- Sports marketing
- Vulnerable consumers and exclusion
- Young consumers
Content highlights
A new frontier: alcohol sponsorship activation through esports
Marketing Intelligence & Planning
Examines the impact of alcohol sponsorship-linked advertising through esports upon young gaming audiences.
Financial services experience and consumption in Nigeria
Journal of Services Marketing
12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Reiterates the need for consumer engagement and collaborative customer-provider relationships in redesigning financial services.
Two decades of research on nation branding: a review and future research agenda
International Marketing Review
Reviews and synthesises nation branding research and to provide directions for future research.
The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing collaborates with the IMP Group, a leading network of international researchers working in B2B marketing.
Professor Jagdish Sheth (Emory University Goizueta Business School, USA) is the recipient of all four top awards given by the American Marketing Association. Professor Sheth is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), and a recipient of a Distinguished Fellow award from the International Engineering Consortium.
Ethical listening to employees during a pandemic: new approaches, barriers and lessons
Journal of Communication Management
Identifies new challenges to organisational listening posed by a global pandemic and how organisations are overcoming them.
Attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise – social influencers' winning formula?
Journal of Product & Brand Management
Explores whether the requirements of influencers' attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness are relevant for online influencer campaigns.
Marketization and commodification of history
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Marketing bank services to financially vulnerable customers: evidence from an emerging economy
International Journal of Bank Marketing
Establishes the importance of financial services to financially excluded customers.
*Source information: 2021 CiteScoreTM (powered by Scopus®) | Journal Citation ReportsTM from Clarivate, 2021 | Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM from Clarivate, 2021.
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