Title listings: Information & Knowledge Management
Listings show titles for 2025 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.
Journal title | ISSN |
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance | 2398-5038 |
Industrial Management & Data Systems | 0263-5577 |
Information and Computer Security | 2056-4961 |
Information Technology & People | 0959-3845 |
Internet Research | 1066-2243 |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 1741-0398 |
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | 1477-996X |
Journal of Intellectual Capital | 1469-1930 |
Journal of Knowledge Management | 1367-3270 |
Journal of Systems and Information Technology | 1328-7265 |
Records Management Journal | 0956-5698 |
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems | 2059-5891 |
Topical coverage
- 5G regulation
- Artificial intelligence and the workplace, marketplace and the home
- Automation of manufacturing and information systems
- Big Data
- Competitive advantage
- Computer information systems
- Corporate environmentalism
- Data analytics
- Data protection and privacy
- Digital currencies
- Electronic commerce
- Green information systems
- Human aspects of cybersecurity
- Human–computer interaction
- Implications of blockchain on all aspects of technology and information
- Information and data governance
- Intellectual capital
- Internet of Things
- Inter-organisational relationships
- Nanotechnology
- New technology acceptance and diffusion
- Online adoption and purchase behaviours
- Policy for the telecommunications, information and media industries
- Semantic web
- Telecommunications
- The digital divide and ICT for development
- Using technology to manage operations
Content highlights
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
Explores the connectivity between social media use, access to migrant networks, information asymmetry and migration intentions.
The global entrepreneurship index as a benchmarking tool? Criticisms from an efficiency perspective
Journal of Intellectual Capital
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Demonstrates that the Key Performance Indicators’ analysis leads to a misinterpretation of the dynamics of National Systems of Entrepreneurship.
Industrial Management & Data Systems
Explores how firms develop localisation, agility and digitization capabilities by applying their critical circular economy and blockchain technology.
Information Technology & PeopleImproves the understanding of technology-supported collaboration in order to achieve individual and organizational success.
Journal of Knowledge Management
Examines the effects of diversity-oriented leadership and strategic internal communication during a crisis situation.
Journal of Enterprise Information Management
"You are a disgrace and traitor to our country": incivility against "The Squad" on Twitter
Internet Research
Examines uncivil dialogue online using the case of four congresswomen known as "The Squad".
Professor Ann Majchrza specialises in Digital Innovation within the Department of Data Sciences and Operations at the USC Marshall School of Business.
Majchrzak holds the USC Associates Chair in Business Administration and recently co-authored 'Pro-socially motivated interaction for knowledge integration in crowd-based open innovation' in the Journal of Knowledge Management.
*Source information: 2021 CiteScoreTM (powered by Scopus®) | Journal Citation ReportsTM from Clarivate, 2021 | Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM from Clarivate, 2021.
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