Health & Social Care

eJournal Collection

Title listings: Health & Social Care

Listings show titles for 2025 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

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Journal title ISSN
Advances in Autism 2056-3868
Advances in Dual Diagnosis 1757-0972
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2044-1282
Drugs, Habits and Social Policy 2752-6739
Housing, Care and Support 1460-8790
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 0952-6862
International Journal of Health Governance 2059-4631
International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 2056-4902
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 1747-9894
International Journal of Prison Health 2977-0254
International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 1759-6599
Journal of Children's Services 1746-6660
Journal of Criminal Psychology 2009-3829
Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice 2056-3841
Journal of Enabling Technologies 2398-6263
Journal of Forensic Practice 2050-8794
Journal of Health Organization and Management 1477-7266
Journal of Integrated Care 1476-9018
Journal of Public Mental Health 1746-5729
Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879
Mental Health and Digital Technologies 2976-8756
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 2042-8308
Mental Health Review Journal 1361-9322
Nutrition & Food Science 0034-6659
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 1471-7794
Safer Communities 1757-8043
The Journal of Adult Protection 1466-8203
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 1755-6228
Therapeutic Communities 0964-1866
Tizard Learning Disability Review 1359-5474
Working with Older People 1366-3666


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Topical coverage

  • Adult protection and safeguarding
  • Autism
  • Children’s services
  • Conflict resolution
  • Creating healthy workforces
  • Creating parity of physical and mental health
  • Criminal psychology
  • Criminology
  • Digital health
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Education and training of professionals
  • Enabling technologies
  • Food and nutrition
  • Health and social impacts of Covid-19
  • Health service delivery and quality
  • Human rights
  • Implications of and caring for an aging population
  • Inequalities in healthcare provision
  • Integrated care
  • Learning and intellectual disabilities
  • Management of health and care services
  • Mental health
  • Migration
  • Peace research
  • Policy and practice in healthcare management
  • Substance abuse and misuse
  • Therapeutic communities
  • Value for money in healthcare
  • Youth crime​

Content highlights



Muslim Syrian refugee women's exploration of breast cancer preventative care in a Western Canadian prairie city​

​International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care​​Discusses the barriers to preventative breast cancer screening among Muslim Syrian refugee women in a Western Canadian Prairie city.​


Mental Health and Social Inclusion journal publishes a series of articles on 'Remarkable Lives', which depict mental health recovery narratives.​

Advances in Dual Diagnosis journal publishes a series of 'Addiction Recovery Stories' each of which charts an individual's recovery journey.​

​Both series are interview-based and aim to give a voice to people who may not otherwise contribute to the evidence base.


Indigenous knowledge systems and mental health

​The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice


Tizard Learning Disability Journal is published in partnership with the Tizard Centre, University of Kent, UK.

Therapeutic Communities journal is the international journal of the Consortium for Therapeutic Communities (TCTC).

Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research is published in association with the University of Central Lancashire and Ashworth Research Centre.


Professor David P. Farrington, O.B.E., Emeritus Professor of Psychological Criminology at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University, is a regular contributor to journals in this portfolio. Professor Farrington is the first and only person to receive the four major awards of the American Society of Criminology: the Edwin Sutherland Award, the Sellin-Glueck Award, the August Vollmer Award, and the Herbert Bloch Award.

Recent published articles include: High resting heart rate protects against childhood risk factors in predicting adult psychopathy, Journal of Criminal Psychology, and The sexual life of men with psychopathic traits, Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice.



Exploring the precipitators of violent conflict in Central Nigeria: a mixed methodology approach

​Journal of Aggression, Conflict & Peace Research​

​Analyses the drivers of violent conflict in rural and urban communities in Central Nigeria.


Investigating the role of social media on mental health​

​Mental Health and Social Inclusion​

​Determines the role of social media on mental health in a field plagued by contradiction and inconclusive reports.


Organizational readiness for artificial intelligence in health care: insights for decision-making and practice​

Journal of Health Organization and Management​​Discusses the importance of studying organisational readiness to integrate AI into health care delivery.


Predictors of use of digital technology for communication among older adults​

​Working with Older People​

​3 Good Health and Wellbeing​

​Statistically significant direct influences are revealed between the use of digital technology for communication and three factors: intellectual curiosity, self-esteem, and sociability.


Multiplicity of stigma: cultural barriers in anti-trafficking response​

​International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare ​

​Contributes to the social understanding of stigma as a societal and cultural barrier in the life of a survivor of human trafficking​

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journals receive a Scopus CiteScore*
journal received a JCR Impact Factor*
journals are listed in ESCI*

*Source information: 2021 CiteScoreTM (powered by Scopus®)  |  Journal Citation ReportsTM from Clarivate, 2021  |  Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM from Clarivate, 2021.

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