You can publish an open access article in this gold open access journal by paying an article processing charge (APC).

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Quality Education SDG4 is a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal with the aim of making universal lifelong learning available to everyone. This open access journal addresses the fundamental challenges facing education and learning today and, in the future, to ensure that this goal is supported and achieved.

Quality Education for All is now included in Scopus and is awaiting its first Citescore.

As a gold open access journal, article processing charges (APCs) apply. These are currently £1250/$1500/€1440.

ISSN: 2976-9310
eISSN: 2976-9310

You can publish an open access article in this gold open access journal by paying an article processing charge (APC).

Aims and scope

Quality Education for All welcomes original research articles (including technical papers and conceptual papers), case studies, reviews (including literature, systematic, or general), methods, viewpoints, and editorials that address all areas of education and learning ranging from early education through to lifelong learning, with a special emphasis on improving access, inclusion, quality, and participation.

Topics for coverage include:

  • Reducing inequality through access to and engagement in education and learning
  • Remote teaching, learning and collaboration
  • Innovation and the design of learning environments
  • Lifelong learning
  • Creativity and critical thinking in education
  • Educational leadership
  • Comparative education
  • Numeracy and literacy
  • The ideas-informed society

Transparency statement for Quality Education for All

  1. Journal Ownership: Quality Education for All is owned and published by Emerald Publishing.
  2. Peer Review Process: The journal operates a double-anonymous peer review model. All articles undergo an initial assessment by the journal editor. If they are suitable for consideration, articles will then be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers to assess suitability for publication. Final responsibility for editorial decisions rests with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  3. Editorial team/contact information: Contact details for the editorial team can be found on the journal homepage. Queries may also be directed to Emerald’s Publishing team as follows: Sharon Parkinson [email protected]
  4. Copyright: All articles in the journal are published Open Access under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY-4.0). This allows authors to retain copyright of their work whilst others can share, use and build upon this work created on the basis that appropriate attribution is given.
  5. Author Fees: Article Processing Charges (APCs) apply and details can be found in the author guidelines section of the journal homepage.
  6. Allegations of Misconduct: All journals published by Emerald are members of and subscribe to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. In the event of any allegation of research or publication misconduct, the publisher and editor will adhere to COPE guidelines in dealing with such allegations.
  7. Conflicts of interest: Authors are asked to declare any financial or ethical conflicts of interest upon submitting their work to the journal. Difficult cases will be referred to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for advice.
  8. Frequency: The journal operates a continuous publication model whereby articles will be published as the final and complete version of record upon acceptance.
  9. Access: All journal articles are published Open Access on under a CCBY 4.0 licence (please see section 4).
  10. Advertising: The journal does not accept direct advertising.
  11. Archiving: Emerald provides perpetual access for all e-journal content by working with digital preservation schemes Portico, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.
  12. Direct marketing: On occasion, the journal will use direct marketing activities (primarily email campaigns) to raise awareness of the journal and to invite authors to submit articles. Marketing activities are conducted by Emerald.

This statement was updated by Sharon Parkinson (Emerald Publishing) on 12th November 2024.

This title is aligned with our quality education for all goal

We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can start to find ways we can all be part of the solution.

SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
Find out about our quality education for all goal