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Journal of Workplace Learning provides an avenue for the presentation and discussion of research related to the workplace as a site for learning.

ISSN: 1366-5626
eISSN: 1758-7859

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

The scope of the Journal of Workplace Learning (JWL) encompasses formal, informal and incidental learning in the workplace for individuals, groups and teams, as well as work-based learning, and off-the-job learning for the workplace. This focus on learning in, from and for the workplace also brings with it questions about the nature of interventions that might assist the learning process and of the roles of those responsible directly or indirectly for such interventions. Since workplace learning cannot be considered without reference to its context, another aim of the journal is to explore the organisational, policy, political, resource issues and other factors which influence how, when and why that learning takes place.

Editorial criteria

Contributions are welcomed from academics and researchers, as well as from practitioners and consultants in workplace training and learning, those who supervise or manage the training/learning function, and from workplace learners themselves.

It is expected that articles published in the journal will be based on research, and will incorporate careful presentation of data, and thoughtful analysis and discussion, rather than comprise mere description or synthesis of existing literature, and will also cater for an international audience.

All contributors are encouraged to spell out the practical implications and relevance of their work for those involved in supervising, facilitating or undertaking workplace learning.

Articles will be considered for publication only if they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.


  • Employee counselling
  • Formal and informal learning interventions
  • Knowledge management
  • Learning skills
  • Learning styles
  • Training effectiveness


The productivity challenges which affect employees at an individual level- where personal and business issues meet-constitute a particularly ambiguous area in the world of work. This journal aims to show how both the organization and the employee stand to benefit from a considered approach to workplace learning and individual development.

Key benefits

The journal features a variety of material, ranging from conceptualized papers and theoretical development, to practical applications and case examples. Each article is set in the context of assisting the individual to maximize opportunities and performance within the working environment.

This title is aligned with our quality education for all goal

We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can start to find ways we can all be part of the solution.

SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
Find out about our quality education for all goal