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Journal of Tourism Futures is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes research in the fields of tourism and tourism futures. JTF is published in association with NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.

ISSN: 2055-5911
eISSN: 2055-592X

You can publish an open access article in this diamond partnership journal. Authors in this journal are not required to pay an article processing charge (APC)

Journal Owners

Aims and scope

When submitting a manuscript, authors will be taken to a service called Paperpal Preflight, an AI-driven tool that checks manuscripts against the journal's author guidelines. Authors are free to use or bypass this step and submit directly to ScholarOne.

The Journal of Tourism Futures (JTF) is a result of the growing awareness, in academia but especially in the professional world, of the increasing importance of tourism as a social phenomenon and as an economic sector. If we see that the impact on our lives, our culture and our economy is growing, it becomes urgent that we understand how things will evolve, which variables determine this development and where we should intervene. The goal of this initiative is to bring academic rigour to the study of the future of tourism.

The aims of the journal are to:

  • Inspire the tourism industry and academic community about the future of tourism
  • The dissemination and formulation of the body of knowledge called tourism futures to practitioners, educators, researchers and students.
  • Provide an international forum for a wide range of practical, theoretical and applied research within the field of tourism futures
  • Represent a multi-disciplinary set of views on key and emerging issues in tourism futures.
  • Include a cross-section of methodologies and viewpoints on research, including quantitative and qualitative approaches, case studies, and empirical and theoretical studies.
  • Encourage greater understanding and linkage between the fields of study related to tourism futures.
  • Publish new and original ideas.

The scope of the journal is to:

  • Serve and reflect the tremendous growth in research and discussions in tourism futures.
  • Take a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the future, whether it is short term or long term or economics or consumer behaviour. However, the journal will not comprise its position that all papers must be about the "future" and "tourism".
  • Encourage papers that stretch the current boundaries of the fields and develop new areas and new linkages with other relevant areas or combine or introduce new approaches and methodologies.
  • Welcome creative and innovative approaches and papers that introduce new concepts and ideas.

JTF publishes 3 issues per annum.


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a set of shared goals for UN members, calling for action to improve health and education, end poverty, reduce inequality, spur economic growth, safeguard the environment and tackle climate change. The Journal of Tourism Futures endorses this project, and aligns specifically with:
4 – Quality Education 
5 – Gender Equality 
9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 
11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 – Responsible Consumption and Production 
17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Open access

All articles published in JTF are published Open Access under a CC BY licence. Users have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles". 

JTF is published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. JTF is owned by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. JTF is published under a platinum OA arrangement, in that all charges for publishing an OA article in JTF are funded by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. There is no charge to the author.

This title supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

As a leading social science publisher, we're passionate about leading change, and align everything we do with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our core area of focus is interdisciplinary research aligned with the SDGs, with these key goals in mind – Fairer society, Healthier lives, Responsible management, Quality education for all, and Sustainable structures and infrastructures – all of which are about creating real-world impact, at a time when it's needed most.

Find out about our goals

Transparency statement for Journal of Tourism Futures

  1. Journal Ownership: Journal of Tourism Futures is published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands).
  2. Governing Body: The editorial team is appointed and managed by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands). The journal is governed by the editorial team in collaboration with Emerald Publishing.
  3. Peer Review Process: The journal operates a double-anonymous peer review model. All articles undergo an initial assessment by the journal editor. If they are considered suitable for consideration, articles will then be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers to assess suitability for publication. Final responsibility for editorial decisions rests with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  4. Editorial team/contact information: Contact details for the editorial team can be found on the journal homepage. Queries may also be directed to Emerald’s Publishing team as follows: Stephen Mullaly - [email protected]
  5. Copyright: All articles in the journal are published Open Access under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY-4.0). This allows authors to retain copyright of their work whilst others can share, use and build upon this work created as long as appropriate attribution is given.
  6. Author Fees: The journal is published under a Platinum Open Access arrangement, in that all costs associated with publishing an Open Access article in the journal are funded by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands). There are currently no Article Processing Charges to the author(s).
  7. Allegations of Misconduct: All journals published by Emerald are members of and subscribe to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. In the event of any allegation of research or publication misconduct, the publisher and editor will adhere to COPE guidelines in dealing with such allegations.
  8. Conflicts of interest: Authors are asked to declare any financial or ethical conflicts of interest upon submitting their work to the journal. Difficult cases will be referred to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for advice.
  9. Frequency: The journal currently publishes 3 issues per annum
  10. Access: All journal articles are published Open Access on - under a CCBY 4.0 licence (please see section 5).
  11. Revenue sources: The journal is published under a platinum Open Access arrangement, in that all costs associated with publishing an Open Access article in the journal are funded by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands).
  12. Advertising: The journal does not accept direct advertising.
  13. Archiving: Emerald provides perpetual access for all e-journal content by working with digital preservation schemes Portico, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.
  14. Direct marketing: On occasion, the journal will use direct marketing activities (primarily email campaigns) to raise awareness of the journal and to invite authors to submit articles.   Marketing activities are conducted by NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) unless otherwise agreed with Emerald.  

This statement was updated by Doug Medland (Emerald Publishing) on 16th Feb 2020.