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Papers exploring the various aspects of nanomaterials and their applications in energy.

ISSN: 2045-984X
eISSN: 2045-984X

Aims and scope

Nanomaterials and Energy serves as a relevant and pioneering platform for emerging research in nanomaterials, biomaterials, nanoelectronics, photocatalytic materials, battery materials, optimal design and sustainability, recycling, and energy. High quality technical articles in the following areas, including other relevant topics, are welcome:

  • Nanomaterials for functional applications
  • Biomaterials, Natural Materials & Biomimicking
  • Smart Materials, Shape Memory, Self-Healing, etc.
  • Computational modeling of materials and biological systems
  • Fundamentals of Synthesis/Processing of Nanostructures
  • Performance and Property Correlation (Mechanical, Thermal, Morphological, Corrosion, Impedance, Tribology, etc.)
  • Battery materials
  • Material Design for Sustainability
  • Recycling for Environment Protection
  • Photocatalysis & Energy conversion
  • Energy Generation and Storage (Hydrogen, Piezo/Tribo/Ferro-electric, Nanogenerators, Fuel cells, electrolyzer, etc.)
  • Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass, etc.)
  • AI and ML algorithm for materials and devices

In a world with an increasing number of opportunities for nanotechnology to improve how we produce and use energy, this journal will help lead scientists and engineers from diverse backgrounds to a common platform. The future of energy nanomaterials is full of innovative advancements that will revolutionize the commercial as well as academic sector, impacting highly on the environment and humanity.

Types of article: the journal publishes peer-reviewed research papers, short communications and review articles exploring the various aspects of nanomaterials and their applications in energy, bringing together research from scientists and engineers to identify new and ever more efficient energy sources with a cost-benefit focus.

Awards: Each year, the paper rated best by the Editor will be given the prestigious Nanomaterials in Energy Prize.

Award-winning papers

Year awarded Paper title
2023 Energy transition: paving the way for a greener future (Nanomaterials and Energy Prize) 

This title is aligned with our sustainable structures and infrastructures goal

We recognise the transformative power of sustainable engineering, design and building practices in creating a world where our planet and its inhabitants can thrive.

SDG 3 Good health & well-being
SDG 6 Clean water & sanitation
SDG 7 Affordable & clean energy
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
Find out about our sustainable structures and infrastructures goal