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Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing is a leading information resource in its field for researchers, industry decision makers, and public sector decision and policy makers, hence becoming the journal of choice for outsourcing industry specialists and researchers.

ISSN: 2398-5364
eISSN: 2398-5372

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Unique attributes

As well as publishing peer-reviewed academic and practice-based research papers, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (JGOSS) includes several novel features. The Industry Viewpoint section invites industrial practitioners from around the world to present their point of view on a relevant subject area. The Research Updates section invites researchers world-wide to present their research projects. Letters to the Editor are encouraged and contribute to contemporary debates on all aspects of outsourcing.

Editorial criteria

The Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing aims to foster and lead the international debate on global operations and strategic sourcing. It provides a central, authoritative and independent forum for the critical evaluation and dissemination of research and development, applications, processes and current practices relating to sourcing strategically for products, services, competences and resources on a global scale and to designing, implementing and managing the resulting global operations.

Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing places a strong emphasis on applied research with relevant implications for both knowledge and practice. Also, the journal aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and opinions on research projects and issues. As such, on top of a standard section publishing scientific articles, there will be two additional sections:

  • "The Industry ViewPoint": in this section, industrial practitioners from around the world will be invited (max 2 contributions per issue) to present their point of view on a relevant subject area. This is intended to give the journal not just an academic focus, but a practical focus as well. In this way, we intend to reflect a trend that has characterised the past few decades, where interests and initiatives in research, academia and industry have been more and more converging to the point of collaborative relationships being a common practice.
  • "Research Updates - Executive Summaries". In this section, researchers around the world will be given the opportunity to present their research projects in the area of global sourcing and outsourcing by means of an executive summary of their project. This will increase awareness of the on-going research projects in the area and it will attract interest from industry.

Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing will become the leading information resource in its field for researchers, industry decision makers, and public sector decision and policy makers, hence becoming the journal of choice for outsourcing industry specialists and researchers.

Editorial objectives

The editorial objectives of Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing are to facilitate the development of the outsourcing science and industry on the base of sound scientific knowledge. To achieve its objectives, the Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing aims to:

  • Facilitate interaction between industry and academia & research, enabling sourcing and operations experts from both research and industry around the world to communicate and share information 
  • Provide authoritative and accessible information about business- process- and operations- models, management techniques and implementation issues typical of strategic outsourcing projects
  • Promote best practices in the several applications of global operations and strategic sourcing
  • Inform industry decisions with coverage of the relevant issues that are of direct benefit to those working in the field
  • Provide a global perspective in the extremely dynamic and continuously changing areas of sourcing, outsourcing, and global operations research and management.


The journal aims to publish academic papers with international scope that provide practical guidance and information for researchers and practitioners, and provide cutting-edge research and experience that reports on development activities in the field worldwide.

Preference will be given to articles based on solid academic or industrial research with strong relevance to practical application. Contributors are encouraged to report on current research, clarifying the practical implications of their work in order to broaden understanding and provide a platform for further research and development.

The following types of contribution will also be accepted (and may be published in the main or the special sections of the journal): company profiles, industry and research updates, short communication, letters to the Editor, reports on conferences and short courses; book reviews


Coverage is essentially of a practical nature and designed to be of direct benefit to those working in the field, regardless their industry (manufacturing or service) or their sector (public or private) or their function/process responsibility It includes all activities that relate to the definition, design, implementation, and management of a strategic outsourcing initiative and the change and impact that this has on people, processes, methods and tools:

  • Best Practices
  • Enhancement of existing processes
  • New business / process / operations models
  • Process design
  • Service design
  • Business Process Reengineering
  • Localisation issues
  • Supplier / partner selection
  • Benefits and Financial Results
  • Performance Management and Benchmarking
  • International Management
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Contract negotiation
  • Legal implication, including statutory regulations
  • Management implications
  • IT systems
  • Risk management
  • Modelling (of systems and processes)
  • Scenario simulation and analysis
  • Collaboration and supply chain management
  • Economic and social systems
  • Knowledge-based systems
  • Multi cultural team management
  • Interrelations between outsourcing and other sciences
  • Emerging market
  • New developments in academic and industrial research
  • Industry update, conference news, dates and events

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
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