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Published for over 30 years, International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) is a valuable resource for both academics and public managers. IJPSM publishes research on all aspects of public organizations, including management, governance and reform.

ISSN: 0951-3558
eISSN: 0951-3558

Aims and scope

The International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) is one of the premier and long-standing journals specifically devoted to high-quality and impactful research about public management. It publishes articles addressing the whole spectrum of public sector management, investigating its interplay with public policy, governance, and administration. IJPSM intends to advance public management theories and enhance our understanding of public management practices. In line with this twofold purpose, it is interested in conceptual and empirical research examining the institutional, social, technological, economic, political, environmental, and organizational triggers of evolution and development in the public sector, shedding light on the determinants of the robustness and resilience of public sector entities. 
IJPSM targets an international audience and publishes contributions from around the world. It welcomes articles focusing on public management challenges faced in specific national settings, as well as comparative research enabling us to make sense of global issues affecting the functioning of public sector entities. It aims to push forward our understanding of the public sector by exploring the changes underway across the world, illuminating their determinants and implications. IJPSM aims to nurture and nourish a vivid debate among scholars, practitioners, policy makers, citizens, and other relevant stakeholders of public sector entities directly or indirectly involved in generating public value. From this standpoint, IJPSM aspires to build a thriving community where all actors participating in public value creation can gain valuable and compelling insights on how to enhance public sector effectiveness and impact. 
In over 30 years of continuous publication, IJPSM has covered the full range of public management research. It embraces a multi and trans-disciplinary perspective, being open to scholars and practitioners’ contributions from disparate fields and topics such as accounting, finance, human resource management, information systems, innovation, marketing, organizational behavior, organizational design, public-private partnerships, public sector entrepreneurship, urban governance, and strategy. 
IJPSM is firmly committed to ensuring it provides high-quality and timely reviews to authors. Review reports include relevant, critical, and constructive feedback and are always intended to facilitate authors in advancing the quality of their research. IJPSM adheres to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) core practices, ensuring integrity in research and publication. It adopts a double-blind peer review process, meaning that submitted articles are reviewed and evaluated at least by two expert reviewers. The journal is committed to keeping authors and reviewers informed of decisions taken within the review process, clarifying the criteria used to make final recommendations on submitted papers. 

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SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
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