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Evidence Based HRM (EBHRM) promotes empirical scholarship in the HR arena and aims to provide an international forum and important reference for the encouragement and dissemination of applied research.

ISSN: 2049-3983
eISSN: 2049-3991

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Evidence-based HRM (EBHRM) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical research articles that have a high impact on the HR field as a whole. To this end, it publishes high quality papers using econometric and statistical methods to fill the gap between conceptual arguments and observed data.

The objective of the journal is to disentangle empirically how talent drives the performance of employees, their organisations and ultimately society as a whole. Evidence-based management of human resources thus applies scientific standards of observation, proof and causality to demonstrate how intangible human capital can be identified and shown to add tangible individual, business and societal benefits.  Beyond strengthening empirical insights and advancing a coherent body of knowledge, our editorial policy also encourages referees to assess the practical relevance of contributions for practitioners and policy makers.

EBHRM has an exclusive focus on empirical, evidence-based research into the field of human resource management and emphasizes the importance of applied and statistical methods when analysing human resource management. It has a broad scope encouraging articles from a wide range of academic disciplines and fields giving it a unique reach across the academic world. The journal also has an international reach within the HR arena publishing research which allows organisations to learn from best practice and benchmark themselves against the performance of international competitors in a global business environment.

Editorial criteria

EBHRM recognises that evidence-based management of human resources is a multidisciplinary and international endeavour. It therefore welcomes submissions with an empirical focus from areas of human resource management, labour economics, welfare studies, personnel economics, applied psychology, leadership, human resource development, and organisational studies.

The important theme of articles in EBHRM is that they will be evidence-based and focused on important developments in the HR arena. Manuscripts demonstrate empirical robustness and analytical rigour.  Original research papers, empirical case studies and reviews of the body of empirical research endeavour are encouraged. The journal also includes research notes and conference news.


The coverage of the journal includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cross-cultural determinants of job motivation
  • International/comparative measurements of well-being in the workplace
  • Organisational leadership and leadership development
  • Evaluating determinants and/or international change in work values
  • Recruitment and retention practices in multinational organisations
  • Promotions, compensation, and productivity in international firms
  • Employee incentives in international/multi-country settings
  • Reward systems in high performance organisations
  • Corporate career rewards for women in developed and developing economies
  • HR issues related to host, home and third country nationals
  • Impact of corporate behaviour on expatriation/repatriation
  • Social interactions and social learning in international contexts
  • Cultural, social and ethical issues for international HRM (IHRM)
  • International evidence on psychological contract breach and work performance
  • Possible linkages between IHMR and business strategy
  • Comparative procedural justice and employee turnover
  • International assignment management
  • International evidence on causes of work-related burnout and stress
  • Methodological innovation in the international HR arena 

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
Find out about our responsible management goal