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Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes inter- and multi-disciplinary, agile, concept- and practice-driven research on the broadly defined subject of transforming government through its people, processes and policy. In the multi-layered context of the 21st century, several overlapping perspectives on these issues exist. TGPPP brings these together.

ISSN: 1750-6166
eISSN: 1750-6174

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (TGPPP) promotes conceptually- and methodologically-sound debate on current and emerging issues in the fields of politics, economics, technology and business to reach and inform decision-makers at all levels of the decision-making process. TGPPP aims to build bridges between the worlds of academia and policymaking to promote evidence-based research.

TGPPP welcomes submissions from established and early career researchers, practitioners and policy makers to contribute, manage and share knowledge and experience, and to learn from each other’s research through front-line thinking about government and the complex multi-scalar environment in which it evolves.

TGPPP encourages multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to issues, processes and developments that directly and indirectly influence government’s nature and power of government and the way in which it operates. Contributions exploring community, city, domestic, regional, international and global perspectives to these issues are welcome.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • ICT and government: local, regional, international perspectives 
  • ICT, politics and policymaking: issues, developments, methodologies, techniques
  • E-government, digitalization, information security, soft issues
  • Smart cities
  • Smart villages
  • Technology adoption and diffusion: politics, policies, stakeholders, implications
  • Big data, big data analytics, future generation technologies, including artificial intelligence, generative AI, and applications
  • Country and regional case-studies

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
Find out about our responsible management goal