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International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (IJHMA) provides an international forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to housing and housing markets

ISSN: 1753-8270
eISSN: 1753-8289

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (IJHMA) aims to provide a holistic view of housing through its coverage of varied and diverse aspects of the housing industry including, amongst others, finance, demography, valuation and planning. IJHMA focuses on the interface between academic research and practical application by disseminating new research findings alongside articles related to everyday professional practice.

Housing markets are in a constant state of change and up-to-date research is required to identify, monitor and adjust to these changes. The global nature of property markets has accelerated this change, which in turn has widespread implications for industry and practitioners.

The journal seeks to remain relevant with cutting-edge research relating to all aspects of housing markets, ensuring coverage of issues that are topical and current to the readership.

  • housing market analysis including broader aggregate markets using a large-scale approach
  • examining individual houses including price, design and cost factors
  • depreciation and obsolescence factors affecting housing
  • high density housing, especially inner-city and upmarket trends
  • social housing considerations and influences
  • GIS (geographic information systems) and the use of mapping programs to understand housing trends
  • demographics and the relationship with housing e.g. unemployment rates
  • trends in low cost housing including viable alternatives
  • housing affordability including the option of renting vs. buying
  • the effect of financial factors (e.g. interest rates) on housing markets
  • valuing housing markets and individual houses
  • first-time buyers or first home owners entering the housing market
  • the effect of government decisions on housing
  • undertaking mass appraisals and advances in technology
  • taxation of housing such as for council rating purposes
  • emerging housing markets such as third world countries and developing nations
  • conversion and modification of houses e.g. to embrace sustainability
  • the relationship between the environment and housing
  • planning aspects and the integration of housing into the urban environment.

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SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
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