Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Call for Papers – Safer Communities

Safer Communities
Safer Communities (SC) is welcoming the submission of papers. Safer Communities provides broad and peer-reviewed coverage of the range of topics that constitute community safety, community justice and...

Call for Papers – Journal of Forensic Practice

Journal of Forensic Practice
The Journal of Forensic Practice (JFP) is welcoming the submission of papers. The Journal of Forensic Practice provides a forum for researchers and practitioners on all aspects of forensic application...

Call for Papers and Special Issue Proposals

Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
Call for papers for JACPR

Call for Papers - International Journal of Public Leadership

International Journal of Public Leadership
The International Journal of Public Leadership (IJPL) is welcoming the submission of papers.

Open Call for Papers - Journal of Work-Applied Management

Journal of Work-Applied Management
Typical areas of interest include work-based learning, case-based studies and action-oriented research approaches, reflective and experiential research approaches, approaches to facilitate change and...

Open Call for Papers - Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning

Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning
JRIT&L highly encourages research from an interdisciplinary perspective in the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and their role in learning. Social science perspectives, including...

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Calls for books

Discover our latest calls for book contributors and book proposals from our extensive book range.