About the journal
The Journal of Work-Applied Management (JWAM) promotes management insights generated at the nexus of practice and theory, where change, discovery and innovation are driven by work-based, work-applied, collaborative, and experiential approaches such as case-based, reflective and action-oriented research methodologies.
The aim of the journal is to share practical ‘work-applied’ management insights relevant to managers in private, public and community organisations; share ‘work-applied’ management insights relevant to academics seeking to improve work-based, work-applied, collaborative, and experiential approaches and to translate and challenge new developments in the use of case-based, reflective and action-oriented research methodologies
On behalf of the editorial team, we would like to invite papers examining topics from across the journal's scope for submission. The main aim of the journal is to bring together scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups who are interested in work applied management.
Typical areas of interest include:
- Work-based learning - at all levels and from differing perspectives
- Case-based studies and action-oriented research approaches
- Reflective and experiential research approaches
- Approaches to facilitate change and transition in organisations
- Approaches to collaborative or integrated partnership working
Prof Tony Wall (Editor-in-Chief), International Centre for Thriving, Liverpool John Moores University UK, Institutional lead for the Inter-University Research Programme for Sustainable Development & The European School of Sustainability Science and Research. ([email protected]).
Dr Scott Foster, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool, UK ([email protected]) Research interest: Spirituality, well-being, Leadership and ethics
Dr Mohsen Varsei, Australian Institute of Business, Adelaide, Australia ([email protected]) Research interest: Sustainable supply chain management
Dr Verma Prikshat, Cardiff School of Management, Wales, UK ([email protected]) Research interest: Industry 4.0, the future of work, and leadership
Author Guidelines
Please feel free to discuss your manuscript ideas with any of the Editors above.
Details of the length of the submission are located within the author guidelines: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jwam#author-guidelines
Articles should be a maximum of 7,000 words in length. This includes all text including references and appendices. Please allow 280 words for each figure or table. Authors must categorize their paper as part of the ScholarOne submission process. The category which most closely describes their paper should be selected from the list below:
Research Study. These articles may report applied research studies (for example, action research, action learning, reflective approaches), or research that has important implications for managers and/or those working in the field of work-based, work-applied, collaborative, and experiential change approaches.
- Case Study. These articles describe actual interventions or experiences within organizations. These may be shorter than the other types of articles, and as such, might be useful for teaching materials for work-based, work-applied or vocational programmes in higher education.
- Literature Review Study. These articles utilize literature and systematic reviews as the primary or sole method of the paper. The aim is to synthesise and critique existing literature in order to generate new understandings. It might also include an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomenon. The key is to ensure the article links to the aims and scope of the journal.
- Conceptual Study. These articles will utilise existing literature (rather than original primary data) to develop new ideas, proposals for ways of working, or calls to develop new areas of practice.
- Viewpoint. These are articles that share, translate, or challenge a particular opinion or interpretation of a situation, problem, or solution (conceptual and technical product or service) which are important to workapplied learning and management. These may be shorter than other types of articles, and as such, might be useful for teaching materials for work-based, work-applied or vocational programmes in higher education.
More information about journal
Website: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jwam
ISSN: 2205-2062
Journal starting year: 2015 (2008-2014 as Gibaran Journal of Applied Management)
ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia): As Gibaran Journal of Applied Management
CABS Ranking: 1*
Publishing frequency: Twice per year
Review process: Double blind
To submit paper: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jwam