your book

The most effective promotion results from you working in partnership with us. On this page you’ll find details of everything we do to get your book noticed, and how your understanding of your research and the people who will use it can help to maximise the effect of marketing activity.

You can navigate this content by using the 'On this page' and 'In the books hub' menus, or by following the links at the bottom of each page.

Ensuring global availability

Once your final manuscript has been accepted, we will announce your book to bibliographic agencies around the world, and to library suppliers, wholesalers, and retailers. At the same time, the dedicated web page for your book will go live, featuring complete book information plus a downloadable flyer, and links to share on social media.

On publication, print and eBook editions will become available to purchase simultaneously via all major booksellers and eBook platforms, and institutions will be able to by your book as part of one of our eBook collections. A downloadable sample from the book will also be added to your book’s page on our bookstore so customers can preview content.

Reaching the right people

To help people engage with research, we create innovative multi-disciplinary campaigns that bring our latest and most topical research to life. Via our corporate website and social media channels we share author blogs, podcasts and videos, free book chapters and more, to start conversations that try to make sense of the challenges facing the world today.

Every year we attend conferences held by our core research communities. Your book will be available at book fairs and conferences in relevant subject areas.

We can help lecturers to assess the potential of your book as a course text with free access to eBook inspection copies via the Digital Comps platform. Any instructors who choose to recommend your book will be provided with a complimentary desk copy to support their adoption.

Ten ways you can extend marketing reach

Ten easy ways diagram

1 Emails On average, a person sends more than 40 emails a day. Make sure to include your book title and a link to its web page in your email signature.
2 Presentations Speaking at an event? Download a flyer from your book’s web page to take with you, and feature a slide with book information at the end of your presentation.
3 Forums Make the most of listservs, forums, and association mailing lists you follow by posting information about your book.
4 Social media Join the conversation on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Academia.Edu and YouTube.
5 Make contact Let your librarian and campus bookseller know about your book and that it is available in print and as part of our eBook collections.
6 Word of mouth Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Encourage your peers to review your book online, in journals or via other networks.
7 Kudos Register with Kudos and share, share, share! On average, use of Kudos leads to 23% higher full text downloads*.  [* Source: analysis of Kudos activities and results by the Altmetrics team at Nanyang Technological University]
8 Translations If any of your previous work has been published in translation, let our Rights team know: it might open up a whole new market for your book.
8 Author platform Amazon Author Central is a free service available to all authors. Build your author platform by sharing upto-date information about yourself and your work.
10 Stay in touch We’re always open to new ideas to reach the communities we publish for, so drop us a line.

I got personalised attention throughout the publication process, which is not commonly available when dealing with the big publishers.

Dr Nagy K Hanna, University of Witwatersand