Best Reviewer Award
of Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC
(Year 2024, 5th edition)
- In recognition of the significant role of anonymous reviews and the significant added value generated through this process, AEMARK (Asociación Española de Marketing Académico y Profesional), announces the Best Reviewer Award of the Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC (SJM-ESIC). AEMARK and SJM-ESIC particularly welcome constructive reviews that allow authors to identify the main weaknesses of their papers and suggest the way forward to overcome these limitations and finally publish them.
- A distinction will be awarded for each of the four issues published in 2024.
- Each award will be chosen for the revisions made on all the papers whose final decision (positive or negative) has been taken in the time period corresponding to the acceptance of the papers finally published in each issue.
- The award-winning review of each issue will be identified using a criterion that will include the following filters:
- The authors of each reviewed paper will select the review that has been most useful and interesting to them to improve their papers.
- The editorial team will identify the best revisions.
- Finally, a recognized specialist will select the best review according to his or her expert point of view.
- The decision of the awards will be final and will be made public through the journal's website.
- Public recognition and award ceremony will take place at the annual AEMARK International Marketing Conference.
- The winners of this award will receive a Diploma and a remuneration of €500 granted by AEMARK.