Best Paper Award of
Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC
(Year 2024, 14th edition)
- The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) announces the AEMARK best paper award published in the Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, which will be awarded during the International Marketing Conference (AEMARK) in September 2024.
- The author(s) of the award-winning Research Paper will receive a Diploma and a remuneration of €1,500 from AEMARK. When there are several authors, the distribution of this economic award will be the responsibility of the authors.
- Research Articles published between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 in the Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC will be eligible for the award. Articles in which one of the authors has also been the author of a winning article in one of the last three editions will not be eligible for the award. In addition, if the authors of an article agree that the article should not be considered as a candidate for the award, they should inform the Editor of the Journal before June 1st, 2024 in order to exclude it.
- AEMARK will publish the list of candidate Research Papers, indicating their full reference (authors, title and date of publication).
- To select the winning article, the two papers that have had the greatest impact on the literature published to date (Web of Science, SCOPUS, Google Scholar) will be pre-selected from each issue. Subsequently, an independent well-reputed independent research, appointed for this purpose by the Editorial Board of the journal, will select the paper according to the following criteria: interest and implications for the marketing discipline, originality and innovation, appropriate use of the methodology and quality of the literature review.
The award will be announced at the International Marketing Conference (AEMARK) to be held in September 2024. The decision will be final and will be published on the SJM-ESIC website.