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Journal of Global Responsibility is the premier journal that publishes original and high-quality theoretical and empirical research in advancing our understanding of global responsibility issues in today's interconnected and interdependent world.

ISSN: 2041-2568
eISSN: 2041-2576

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Aims and scope

Journal of Global Responsibility (JGR) is dedicated to being the premier journal that publishes original and high-quality theoretical and empirical research papers, as well as thought-provocative and inspirational viewpoint articles, in advancing our understanding of global responsibility issues in today’s interconnected and interdependent world. It makes contributions to thought leadership and excellent practice in this field. 

Global responsibility means individual, organisational and institutional duties, obligations and responsiveness to act or perform in ways consistent with globally accepted standards and norms of behaviour. Global standards and norms have been developed significantly in recent times, such as the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles, the Internal Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many other global standards in the areas of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and corporate governance. Global responsibility of individuals, organisations and institutions encompasses moral, social, economic political, legal and ecological responsibilities.

The journal covers a wide range of global responsibility inquiries, including:  

  1. Responsibility within a global scope: Responsibility-related activities or issues directly relating to or involving the entire world, such as globalisation, global economic and social crises, global pandemic, global warming and environmental degradation. 
  2. Responsibility on a global scale: Responsibility-related issues or activities actually or potentially affecting, extending to, or spreading over the entire world, such as poverty, water shortage, waste disposal, power and impacts of multinational enterprises, and large-scale social movements. 
  3. Responsibility at the global level: Responsibility-related issues with, or pressures and impacts from, public institutions and networks at the global level, such as world, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, and global or influential international networks, forums and active groups.
  4. Responsibility with a global perspective: Comprehensive, all-encompassing or holistic thinking and views on responsibility issues affecting the world.  

JGR welcomes contributions based primarily on the discipline of management and governance. It also encourages contributions drawing on other disciplines, such as philosophy, ethics, political science, law, economics, sociology, anthropology and psychology, to provide insight into responsible governance, management and leadership in the global context. JGR is receptive to all levels of analysis on global responsibility issues, at the individual, organisational, network or macro level. 


JGR publishes conceptual, theoretical, empirical and review papers, as well as essays, research & teaching briefs, case studies, and dialogues and commentaries. All research papers and articles are subject to double-blind peer review for possible consideration of publication in JGR.

Conceptual and theoretical papers without empirical studies should develop new theories or conceptual frameworks. They can also extend, challenge or clarify existing theory, or synthesise recent thoughts and ideas into something new.

Empirical papers should test, extend or build theory and develop new knowledge for practice. All empirical methods, whether they are quantitative, qualitative, experimental, meta-analytic or mixed, are acceptable.

Review papers should critically review and evaluate the current research and knowledge in the area of global responsibility, analyse the theoretical, philosophical and methodological underpinnings of competing paradigms and perspectives, advance current research and provide new directions for future research in this area.

The length of any of the above-mentioned papers should not exceed 7000 words, including the abstract, tables, figures, notes, references and appendices.

Essays (up to 5000 words per essay) are short pieces of papers to make new thoughts, arguments, provocative ideas, and critical reflections in a coherent way based on observations, experiences, literature reviews and logical reasoning. For example, an essay could be a piece of writing for:

  • Reviews and reflections on the evolution and progress of a research topic or subject area over time
  • Systematic arguments and debates for or against existing thoughts/views
  • Rich and critical reflections on important thoughts and actions
  • Capturing ideas on current or arising important issues to make forward-looking contributions
  • Novel relations and views based on facts and events

The formats of an essay can be observatory, expository, critical, analytical, dialectic, argumentative and reflective. Unlike full research papers with formal and fixed structures, the style of an essay can be formal or less formal.

Research & teaching briefs (up to 3000 words per article) are brief reports of currently completed research or teaching experiences/experiments, which would be important to advance the thoughts and educations in the field of global responsibility and be interesting to the readers of JGR. A research or teaching brief should follow a formal structure, including short summary, general background, purpose, procedure/methodology, results, conclusions and avenue for future research (in research brief) or practical suggestions for educators (in teaching brief). 

A case study (up to 3000 words in length) should provide an intensive and systematic investigation into a particular entity or research object. This can be a person, a group, a community, an organisation, an institution, an initiative, a programme or an important event. It allows an in-depth understanding of a single phenomenon in terms of global responsibility.  

A multiple case study (up to 5000 words) should examine several similar or different cases and compare their similarities and differences, thus allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of research questions and complex phenomena in relation to global responsibility. 

Case studies should use more than one type of data to gain insight into the phenomenon and be critically analytical and explorative rather than purely descriptive. 

The journal’s Dialogues and Commentaries section publishes short articles (up to 3000 words per article) and provides authors and readers with the opportunity to engage in public conversations and debates on global responsibility issues. Dialogues and commentaries should initiate new ideas or debates, provide fresh insights, argue for or against certain claims, and set new agendas for future research and practices. Furthermore, they may critically review and provide comments on current thoughts, praxis, discoveries, research findings, methodologies, practical plans and strategies, or initiatives and programmes. JGR’s policy is to publish dialogues and commentaries that provide original, important, insightful and valuable material. 

JGR is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. 

CrossRef Citation Factor: 2.9 in 2021, 1.66 in 2020, 1.15 in 2019, 0.92 in 2018.

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
Find out about our responsible management goal