Discovery services

We work with industry partners to make it easy for authors, readers and librarians to access our content through discovery platforms and full-text indexing.

Maximise discovery

We recommend some best practices for discovering and using our content collections in your library.

  • Set your collections up in discovery and knowledgebase services
  • Add OpenURL and proxy server locations to your institutional account
  • Activate Google Scholar library services
  • Include eCases and eBooks in your OPACs (via MARC records).

For additional information or for assistance contact our Customer Support team via our support portal.


Library discovery services and knowledgebases

  eJournals eCases eBooks Expert Briefings
Proquest 360 Core Yes Yes Yes  
Proquest Summon Yes Yes Yes  
EBSCO knowledge Base Yes Yes
All eCases content
Yes Yes
EBSCO EDS Yes Yes Yes Yes
OCLC Knowledgebase Yes Yes
All eCases content
Yes Yes
OCLC WorldCat Discovery Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ex Libris SFX Yes Yes
All eCases content
Ex Libris Central Discovery Index (CDI) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ex Libris Alma Yes Yes Yes  

For additional information visit our customer support portal.

Find out how we are performing against the ODI checklist
Y/N/P Recommendation Paragrapgh Comment
Y Content Provider makes available to Discovery Service Providers core metadata and underlying fulltext/original content for complete offerings (1) All proprietary Emerald content is available for indexing; some exceptions exist for third-party ebooks and ecases.
Y Content Provider makes available to Discovery Service Providers, the core set of metadata elements (see for each item submitted for indexing. (2)  
Y Content Provider provides the content item and additional descriptive content for as much of their content as possible. (3)  
Y Content Provider provides libraries, on request, with a statement of participation in the discovery services, including disclosure of coverage depth and content depth. 3.2.2 Central resource coming soon.
Y Content Provider’s agreements with Discovery Service Providers do not include non-disclosure agreements. 3.2.3  
Y The transfer of Content Provider’s data to Discovery Service Providers makes use of existing standards where applicable and uses one of the metadata encoding schemes listed in 3.3.3. 3.2.4 Emerald is using JATS for journals and ecases, and a DTD derived from NLM 3.0 for ebooks. MARC records are available for ebooks and ecases. KBART II upgrade for all products is underway (Q2-2017)

We work with a number of providers and systems to make sure our content is easy to find and access.

  • Web of Science
  • Scopus
  • LexisNexis
  • ERIC
  • DTU

Emerald content is aggregated in the following services:

  • ProQuest

  eJournals eCases eBooks Book series
DOIs deposited with
Per article
Per case
Per title and per chapter
ISBNs     Yes
Per title
Per title
Per collection and
per publication
Per series
Per collection
Per collection
Per collection
MARC   Yes
Per collection
Per collection

  eJournals eCases eBooks
Pay-per-view services, eg. DeepDyve Yes Yes
Proprietary eCases content
Scopus Yes    
PubMed (OA content is deposited in
accordance with funder mandates)
Search engine indexing
  • Google & Google Scholar
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
Yes Yes
All eCases content
Social media
  • Facebook 
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
Yes   Yes

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Industry standards

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