The global inclusivity
report 2022

Diversity & inclusion in research design

Studies show that when diversity and inclusion are considered throughout research design (research team, participants, research questions, methodology, etc.), projects are more innovative, relevant and applicable. Despite the benefits of inclusive research approaches, historically marginalised groups remain under-represented in science. Lack of representation is damaging to society and widens inequalities.

Encouragingly, more than a third of academics 38% say that diversity and inclusion is of high importance in research design. However, it’s still of low importance to one in five academics, rising to a third in North America. And just 17% of academics say diversity and inclusion is the main goal of their research.

The importance of diversity & inclusion

Question 9: When designing & planning your research, how much importance is placed on diversity & inclusion?

% Level of importance
17.3 It is the main goal of the research development
37.6 It is of high importance
21.6 It is of moderate importance
19.8 It is of low importance
3.7 I don’t know


Next: What role do publishers play?

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