The Turkish Capital Markets Association (TCMA) is the non-profit and self-regulatory professional organisation of brokerage firms, banks and asset management companies in Turkey. Its primary objective is to contribute to the development of capital markets and enhance professional know-how in the industry.
To fulfil its aim of stimulating international dialogue and understanding of capital markets among academics, practitioners, investors and policymakers, the TCMA wished to publish its own peer- reviewed journal, the Journal of Capital Markets Studies (JCMS), to which scholars around the globe could submit their research.
For more information on the journal’s aims and scope please visit the JCMS homepage.
Why did TCMA partner with us?
The Association’s chairman and board of directors are strongly committed to publishing a journal that promotes research for the enhancement of capital markets by meeting the standards expected of a highly regarded scientific journal.
To achieve this, it was important to choose a publisher with the processes and expertise to handle every step of the journey from submission to publication, followed by dissemination worldwide through an open access model.
All of the core publishing services needed for a scholarly journal were available with Emerald Publishing Services (EPS):
- A bespoke journal submission and peer review system using the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform – set up by Emerald to fit TCMA’s requirements
- Typesetting, proof-reading and light copy-editing and electronic production
- Hosting of JCMS on with their own dedicated home page
- All articles of the journal are published and made freely available – using the Open Access CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution licence
- Copyright remains with TCMA
- Emerald provides TCMA with journal performance information, via system generated reports
JCMS is given global visibility and accessibility via – an industry-leading research platform with enhanced search and discoverability through enriched metadata and search engine optimisation.
Rapid publication
Since joining Emerald in 2017, JCMS has benefited from Emerald’s streamlined set-up, in which a bespoke homepage and journal submission system were created in just 12 weeks; and from Emerald’s Article Level Publishing (ALP) workflow, which enables rapid publication of articles in just 20 working days (after acceptance). This is something that JCMS’s editorial board are extremely proud of, Editor-in-chief, Professor Guler Aras commented: “We are able to provide a rapid response to papers; our dedicated editorial team endeavours to give initial feedback to authors within 30 days following the submission of their papers.”
Enhanced search & discoverability
JCMS has seen page views increase by 1000% in just one year on the Emerald platform and downloads have more than tripled, thanks to Emerald’s enriched metadata and search engine optimisation.
Emerald insight page views yearly comparison
Month Index
| Page Views 2017
| Page Views 2018
| Page Views 2019
| 601
| 1649
| |
| 607
| 1764
| |
| 950
| 3368
| |
| 952
| 2746
| |
| 841
| 2584
| |
| 608
| 1919
| |
| 681
| ||
| 1778
| ||
| 1835
| ||
| 53
| 1691
| |
| 706
| 3244
| |
| 715
| 1593
| |
Monthly Average
| 491.33
| 1281.75
| 2338.33
| 1474
| 15381
| 14030
Indexing & ranking support
Under the guidance of the Emerald’s Open Access team, JCMS has successfully been included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the largest independent database of Open Access Journals, alongside 23 other EPS journals. The Emerald team have also applied to leading ranking indexes, SCOPUS and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), on the journal’s behalf. These ranking bodies evaluate a journal’s impact and quality based on various metrics, including downloads and citations, so that researchers can select the best publications to read or submit their work to.
The benefits of being listed in DOAJ, SCOPUS & ESCI
- Increased traffic to the journal – typically threefold after inclusion in DOAJ - over 95% of the DOAJ Publisher community said that DOAJ is important for increasing their journal’s visibility
- Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) services, particularly SCOPUS and ESCI are often the first port of call for researchers and therefore provide greater visibility and exposure for a journal
- In ESCI and SCOPUS the journal is ranked and compared to other journals in its subject area so researchers can find the most impactful articles
- DOAJ metadata is free and widely available to all the major aggregators (including Scopus and EBSCO) and many research organisations and university library portals.
Emerald helped promote the journal with marketing collateral and social media campaigns based around the journal launch and the TCMA’s flagship event, the Turkish Capital Markets Summit, which has become the most important event of the industry, with over 8,000 academic and professional attendees every year.
JCMS was launched at the 2017 summit with a special gala dinner attended by the Ministry of Finance, senior officials and leading executives from the financial sector. Bespoke JCMS leaflets and business cards were
designed and distributed for the event by Emerald, alongside a banner on the Emerald homepage and a social media campaign on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn from November through to January 2018. This campaign reached 42,000 people on Twitter, whilst reaching over 1000 people on LinkedIn in November alone.
Most of the Editorial Board attended as panellists where they presented their work on the journal’s first issue, which was promoted through a series of call for papers on the Emerald homepage. The close relationship between Emerald and JCMS will continue through biannual international conferences as well as ad-hoc events and campaigns for special issues and hot topics.
The JCMS editor-in-chief, Professor Guler Aras, and advisory board are now looking to consolidate this early success by continuing to attract high-quality authors, featuring cutting-edge research and rapid submission-to- publication times which will make the journal the pre-eminent publication in its field.
Professor Guler Aras, Professor of Finance and Accounting at Yildiz Technical University, Turkey and Founding Director of the Center for Finance, Governance and Sustainability (CFGS) at YTU, had this to say about TCMA’s partnership with Emerald:
“We were sure that the brief of the journal was original, significant and timely, but the support of a major, respected publishing house gave us access to audiences, expertise and resources we would not otherwise have had, the lack of which presented initial challenges. That is why we choose Emerald – recognised as one of the world’s leading academic publishers. Emerald’s deeply established knowledge and experience in publishing would allow us to promote our journal in a more structured and professional manner.”
Benefits of publishing open access
Open Access (OA) publishing offers free, unrestricted, online access to peer-reviewed scholarly research. This has benefits for the journal, authors and researchers:
- Gives readers immediate and easy access to a journal, increasing the visibility of its research
- Supports real world impact: OA helps authors reach new audiences and allows news and policy makers to see the real world applications of their work
- Makes it easy for authors to comply with funder, institution or employer mandates.
All of Emerald Publishing Service’s journals are published under a diamond OA arrangement, where charges for publishing an OA article in the journal are funded by the publishing partner. There is no charge to the author.
Joining forces to make a greater impact
Our partners benefit from global dissemination, to over 130 countries, community connections and 50 years’ experience publishing high quality, usable research. Whether you are an association, university or organization, Emerald can provide the leverage and support your journal needs to make the maximum impact in the community it serves.