Get ready to publish in a journal

Choose which journal to publish in or search our active calls for papers. When you're ready, find out how to submit your paper. 

Our journals cover everything from research papers and case studies to general reviews and literature reviews.

We welcome interdisciplinary research, which may give you a choice of publications spanning different subject areas. You can find out what kind of content and formats we accept in the author guidelines for your chosen publication.

Our top tips

We’ve pulled out some tips to help you find the right journal for you and get your paper accepted:

  1. Look at where papers you have cited were published
  2. Discuss your options with colleagues
  3. Check with your professional association(s)
  4. Search our journal titles and active calls for papers
  5. Explore the journal’s aims and scopes and make sure it is the right home for your research

Find the right journal for you

With over 300 active journal titles, you can find the right match for your research.

Find a journal

Search our journal titles and use the aims and scope to help you make an informed decision. Read the author guidelines for your chosen journal and find out about the editorial team and journal metrics.


Find calls for papers

Search all our active calls for papers. Visit the journal page to read the author guidelines and find out how to submit your paper.


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Are you eligible for an open access publishing voucher?

We partner with libraries and consortia to offer authors prepaid vouchers to publish their work openly. 

Check your eligibility

Information to read before you submit

Submit your paper

Submit your research through your chosen journal’s online submission site, find author support and understand your next steps to publish your paper.

How to submit

Alternative ways to publish

Explore alternative ways to publish with us, we can help you find the right home for your research.


Explore alternatives

Transparency and openness

We are a signatory of the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines, a framework that supports the reproducibility of research through the adoption of transparent research practices. As a result, we encourage you to:

  • Cite and fully reference all data, programme code, and other methods in your manuscript
  • Include persistent identifiers, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), in references for datasets and programme codes
  • Follow relevant international and national procedures whenever you cite data

More for authors

Understand the publishing process

See all the steps in our journal publishing process and download our helpful infographic.


Author services

We work in partnership with Editage who can help you with language editing and translation, visuals, consulting, or anything else required to get your research submission-ready.