
Research Pass

Emerald journals and eBooks cover a broad spectrum of content relevant to your sector, in areas such as transport design, planning and policy.

With Research Pass, we can help you access it flexibly and affordably by article or chapter. You don’t have to commit to a subscription and you can pick and choose from all the journal and book content we’ve published to date. One token = one book chapter or journal article.

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Most-read content

Innovative solutions to increase last-mile delivery efficiency in B2C e-commerce: a literature review

Aims to review and classify scientific publications dealing with those innovative solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of last-mile delivery in business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce; and to outline directions for future research in this field.…

Environmental alignment between logistics service providers and shippers – a supply chain perspective

Aims to develop a deeper understanding of the alignment between logistics service providers (LSPs) and shippers in the context of adopting more environmentally sustainable logistics practices.

Latest content

Take a look at our most recently published content on this topic.

A start-up’s collaboration in networks for sustainable freight transport: a micro-meso-macro approach to innovation

This open access article analyses how start-ups with a clear sustainability focus collaborate with multiple actors at different levels to pursue business ideas and develop sustainable freight transport solutions.

Do commuters intend to avail electric street cars as public transport? Evidence from urban India

Explores the probabilistic uptake intentions of the daily public transport commuters for ESCs over e-buses from the only Indian city with operational ESCs, Kolkata.

Path selection and mechanism innovation of improving railway energy efficiency – from foreign experience and Chinese practice

This open access article aims to provide a comprehensive study on methods to improve railway energy efficiency in other national railways and achievements made by China’s railways in the past practice.

Browse transport content

Key journals within this topic

We have a broad range of journals containing content related to transport. Here are some of our key journals in this area. 

Railway Sciences

Railway Sciences

An international peer-reviewed journal publishing research covering all aspects of railway, in association with China Academy of Railway Sciences.

The International Journal of Logistics Management

The International Journal of Logistics Management

Provides a platform for development and examination of management theory and practice relating to logistics and the supply chain. Seeks to deliver relevant research that delivers credible knowledge to industry and society while advancing the discipline.

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment

A CIB-encouraged journal that aims to inform research and industry practice on integrated approaches to developing smart and sustainable built environments.

Built Environment Project and Asset Management

Built Environment Project and Asset Management

A CIB-recognised journal that provides a niche forum to address interfaces between project management and asset management of building and civil engineering infrastructure.

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

A key publication on the latest developments and research into the materials, techniques and technology relating to the aircraft and aerospace industry.

A sample of the books in this topic

Below is a selection of recent books from our broad range of content in the area of transport.  

Women, Work and Transport

Women, Work and Transport

An international collection that brings together researchers with global expertise in gender and transport work to provide original evidence of the experiences of women working in all transport modes across countries in the Global North and the Global South.

Transport and Pandemic Experiences

Transport and Pandemic Experiences

Discusses how the accumulated knowledge of the pandemic needs to be capitalised in our fight against climate change and helps to identify future research imperatives for better understanding and greater policy transferability.

Electrifying Mobility

Electrifying Mobility

Considers the drivers, barriers to adoption and the current lived experience of electric vehicles, drawing upon this experience to inform planning for mass adoption and how regulation might change to reflect the specific needs and challenges raised.

Sustainable Railway Engineering and Operations

Sustainable Railway Engineering and Operations

Railways are frequently promoted as one of the most sustainable modes of transport. However, their impact will in practice be significantly affected by the ways in which they are designed, constructed, and used. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the issues involved in planning, engineering and operating sustainable railway systems.

Inventing Mobility for All

Inventing Mobility for All

Describes Mobility-as-a-Service and explains the impact of this mobility concept on social and societal life as well as on people's travel behavior.

How to access content

Our Research Pass token system allows you to purchase and use tokens as and when you need them to access content to enhance learning and development, inform decision making and support your projects

Use tokens to access any published journal articles and book chapters on Emerald’s Insight platform. 1 token = one article/chapter. Accessed content can then be viewed for 24 hours by multiple users in your organisation.

1 Tokens Decide how many tokens your organisation needs – choose from 100, 250, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 – and purchase via your regional Emerald representative.
2 Activation We'll set up and activate profile(s) on Emerald Insight – our online content platform – for you and the members of your team who need to access content.
3 Search Search all currently published eJournal and eBook content, and use a token to access the articles and chapters you and your team need.

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