Police, emergency
services & military

Research Pass

Emerald journals and books cover a broad spectrum of content relevant to your sector, in areas such as crime, criminology, first response and military culture. 

With Research Pass, we can help you access it flexibly and affordably by article or chapter. You don’t have to commit to a subscription and you can pick and choose from all the journal and book content we’ve published to date. One token = one book chapter or journal article.

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Most-read content

Barriers and enablers to women in fire and emergency leadership roles

Aims to understand what (if any) actual and perceived barriers exist for women to take on fire and emergency management leadership roles within the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria, Australia.


Association between health-related fitness, perceived stress, and metabolic syndrome prevalence in a sample of law enforcement officers

Examines the association between components of metabolic syndrome with health-related fitness (HRF) and perceived stress in a sample of law enforcement officers.


Dyslexia and policing: Understanding the impact that dyslexia has in the police service in England and Wales

The purpose of this paper is to explore the experiences of officers/civilians with dyslexia serving in the police service in England and Wales.


Latest content

Take a look at our most recently published content on this topic.

Valuing volunteers: emerging trends in the training of Volunteer Police Cadet Leaders

Aims to consider the training provided to Volunteer Police Cadet (VPC) Leaders in police forces across England and Wales who, as part of the wider policing volunteer family, lead organised youth development activities for uniformed police cadets.


Adherence to the police code of silence: examining changes in recruits' perceptions during the training academy

Examines the nature of the code of silence among police recruits in an effort to provide recommendations to reduce its occurrence and harm to society.


The effects of military expenditures on labor productivity, innovation and economic growth for the most militarized countries: panel data analysis

Examines the effect of military expenditures on economic growth, innovation and labor productivity for the period 1995–2019 in most militarized countries. 


Browse police, emergency services and military content

Key journals within this topic

We have a broad range of journals containing content relevant to police, emergency services and the military. Here are some of our key journals in this area. 

Policing: An International Journal

Policing: An International Journal

An international, interdisciplinary journal which publishes the latest research on all topics relevant to policing that focus on theory, policy, and/or practice.

Safer Communities

Safer Communities

An interdisciplinary and international journal that publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research on the range of topics that constitute community safety, community justice and youth justice.

Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice

Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice

Publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research which examines how criminal justice institutions engage with the community and non-criminal justice agencies.

International Journal of Emergency Services

International Journal of Emergency Services

The only peer-reviewed journal to examine issues common to all emergency services, the International Journal of Emergency Services provides an international perspective on the preparedness, response, recovery and rehabilitation stages of multiple emergencies.

Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research

Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research

Publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research on all aspects of aggression, conflict and peace, with a clear remit of translating research findings into implementations for practice.

A sample of the books in this topic

Below is a selection of books from our broad range of content related to police, emergency services and the military.

Civil-Military Relations in Taiwan

Civil-Military Relations in Taiwan

This study uses the postmodern military model to measure how public perception of the military is influenced by self-identification in Taiwan. It unveils the schism that exists between military and society, contributing to low morale and a lack of esprit de corps that puts the island’s forces at risk from an increasingly confident China.

Rebuilding the Fire and Rescue Services

Rebuilding the Fire and Rescue Services

Examines the new arrangements for organizing policy, delivery and public accountability in Fire and Rescue Services. Contributors of this invaluable text assess the effectiveness of government responses to new legislation that came as a result of inadequacies identified in governmental reviews, namely the Policing and Crime Act of 2017.

Entrepreneurship in Policing and Criminal Contexts

Entrepreneurship in Policing and Criminal Contexts

Explores the contemporary and under researched themes of ‘entrepreneurial policing’ and ‘entrepreneurialism in criminal justice contexts’ which are emerging topics of both theoretical and practical interest in the current rapidly changing criminal justice environment.

The Role of Law Enforcement in Emergency Management and Homeland Security

The Role of Law Enforcement in Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Examines the role and involvement of law enforcement agencies across the spectrum of homeland security and emergency management. Contributions from expert practitioners and academics are organized around the mission areas of mitigation/protection, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

Delivering Victory

Delivering Victory

US Army Transportation Corps Historian, Richard E. Killblane, utitlizes the expertise of professionals with lived experience of synchronizing military transportation from end to end to uniquely explore how military transportation logistics have evolved during the last half of the 20th Century and beyond towards greater efficiency. 

How to access content

Our Research Pass token system allows you to purchase and use tokens as and when you need them to access content to enhance learning and development, inform decision making and support your projects

Use tokens to access any published journal articles and book chapters on Emerald’s Insight platform. 1 token = one article/chapter. Accessed content can then be viewed for 24 hours by multiple users in your organisation.

1 Tokens Decide how many tokens your organisation needs – choose from 100, 250, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 – and purchase via your regional Emerald representative.
2 Activation We'll set up and activate profile(s) on Emerald Insight – our online content platform – for you and the members of your team who need to access content.
3 Search Search all currently published eJournal and eBook content, and use a token to access the articles and chapters you and your team need.

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