Emerald Publishing is proud to announce the launch of our latest journal Technological Sustainability (TECHS). Along with its sister journal, Social Responsibility Journal (SRJ), TECHS is an official journal of the Social Responsibility Research Network, or SRRNet.
Interdisciplinary in its scope, the journal seeks to encompass the full range of theoretical, methodological and substantive debates in the area of technological or scientific applications addressing sustainability.
Editor in Chief Shahla Seifi speaks to us about the importance of the subject matter, the aims and scope of the journal, and why she thinks a journal on this subject is long overdue.
Speaker profile(s)
Shahla Seifi is an engineer by background and worked for over 20 years in the National Standards Institute of Iran. There she was responsible for assessing products, developing national standards and international affairs as well as sitting on the National Steering Committee developing ISO 26000. After a spell in Malaysia she relocated to the UK in 2013, where she is now based. She is both a British and Iranian citizen, she continues to publish within her area of sustainability. She currently researches, writes, and runs the Social Responsibility Research Network while also acting as consultant, editor, guest lecturer, and keynote speaker.
Shahla has taught extensively – both to students and to managers and translated much material into Farsi. As a qualified physical fitness trainer, she led courses in Tehran for a number of years. She edits or is a member of the Editorial boards of several journal and book series around the world, and consults and speaks in various locations. She has published more than 20 books in English and translated several into Farsi; she has published over 50 articles in English as well as numerous articles in Farsi. Her most recent book "The World’s Future Crisis: extractive resources Depletion" was recently published by Springer. Her latest projects have been to edit and produce the "Palgrave Handbook on CSR" and to edit the Routledge Handbook to the Future of Management Research. Currently, she has developed and is editing the new journal Technological Sustainability, published by Emerald.
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In this episode:
- What are the aims and scope of the new journal?
- What role did the Special Issue Scientific and Technological Contributions to Sustainability published in SRJ play in the decision to found this journal?
- What is the Social Responsibility Research Network (SRRNet)?
- Why is technological sustainability an important subject now?