Open Access Week/Break the norm – healthy open research practices podcast

In this episode, Iram speaks with Payal Kumar and Jayantha Dewasiri about open access journals, in celebration of Open Access Week.

With a drive to hear underrepresented voices from outside of the US and UK, we get a great insight into the open access culture within the south Asian region. 

In looking at the broad theme of 'Open research – is the academy ready for a cultural shift?', we’re aware that now, more than ever, there is a need for research to become more easily discoverable and accessible. The themes that are covered include inclusivity and equity, and the regional differences in relation to open access.

Speaker profile(s)

Payal Kumar is Dean of Research & Management Studies, Indian School of Hospitality, India.

Payal describes herself as a world citizen. She has lived in four countries, namely Zambia, Fiji, England and now in her adopted home – India.

Formerly Professor & Chair HR/OB and Associate Dean, International Relations at BML Munjal University, Payal is an award-winning academician and prolific writer. She has published 12 books so far – on average one book a year – with international publishers such as Springer and Emerald Publishing, as well as several research papers. She is also the series editor of the Palgrave Studies in Leadership and Followership, a 5-volume series with volume editors spanning the USA, Austria, Australia and India. As a thought leader, she is frequently invited to write for media publications such as the Hindu and the Economic Times.

Payal is the advisory member of several international, peer-reviewed journals and is Senior Reviewer, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Wiley.  Another feather in her cap is that she is the inaugural recipient of the Andre Delbecq & Lee Robbins MSR (Academy of Management) Scholarship.  She is not only an active researcher but also a passionate teacher of doctoral scholars, post-graduate and under-graduate students.

In an earlier avatar she was Vice President Editorial and Production at SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd. Payal made the transition from the corporate sector to academics after earning her doctoral from XLRI, a leading business school in India.

Dr. Dewasiri N. Jayantha is a professor attached to the Department of Accountancy and Finance, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. He is a well-known researcher who has published in high-ranked journals such as Managerial Finance (Emerald), Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (Emerald), Journal of Public Affairs (Wiley), International Journal of Qualitative Methods (Sage), etc. He is a pioneer in applying triangulation research approaches in the management discipline. He is also a practitioner with 17 years of industry experience and more than seven years of academic experience. He has been awarded several times for his outstanding research performance.

He believes open access models as a potential approach to enhance equity, equality, and inclusivity in research. Hence, he is keen on developing open-access research models in the South Asian region. For instance, he supported the introduction of a few platinum open access journals such as the South Asian Journal of Marketing published by Emerald Publishing, Asian Journal of Finance, and South Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality published by the Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Recently, he has been accredited as a Fellow Chartered Manager (FCMI CMgr) by the Chartered Institute of Management, UK.

Considering his valuable contribution to research and academia, Emerald Publishing, UK has appointed him as the brand ambassador for its South Asian region.

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In this episode:

  • What are the barriers and challenges for those who engage in open access?
  • What can publishers do to help alleviate these barriers and challenges?
  • Are researchers and academics reliant on open access research?
  • How do we educate early career researchers about the dark side of open access?
  • Where do you see open access in the next few years? What would you like to see?

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