The fully functioning university in challenging times podcast

There has perhaps never been a more challenging time for our higher education institutions than 2020. This week we talk to Asher Rospigliosi from the University of Brighton about how universities should focus on their core missions – advancing knowledge, educating students and serving their communities – as they navigate their way through these challenges.

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Asher Rospigliosi is an economic sociologist at the University of Brighton Business School, researching the role and function of higher education. Asher, along with co-authors Professor Tom Bourner and Dr Linda Heath, has written the recently published book The Fully Functioning University

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In this episode:


  • What is a fully functioning university?
  • How can universities aim to be fully functioning during Covid-19?
  • The role of the universities in a time of digital transformation
  • Opportunities for change in higher education


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