EDI and the university

How is the University of Bradford putting equality, diversity and inclusion into practice within the institution and the region itself?

This week we speak to Udy Archibong and Nikki Pearce about the role the University can play in social mobility, anti-racism, employability and decolonisation.

Speaker profile(s)

Udy Archibong is Pro-Vice Chancellor in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Professor of Diversity.

Nikki Pearce is Academic Registrar and Director of Student Academic and Information Services.

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In this episode:

  • The role of the university in general and what it can do to promote EDI
  • How the University impacts the wider-region, working with business and public sector
  • Social mobility – how the university boosts this in areas of economic deprivation
  • What can other institutions do to turn their EDI policies into practice?

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