The health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples is part of a broader campaign, which individually and collectively explores different dimensions of Indigenous culture and identity.
Disparities in Indigenous health outcomes are widely understood to be rooted in colonialism, discrimination, and systemic racism. Research into the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples has been characterised by a deficit-focus. Increasingly, however, research is serving to illustrate the holistic nature of Indigenous health and wellbeing – a model of thinking and practice that is strengths-based and therefore better reflects the values and principles of Indigenous communities.
What role does culture and identity play in perceptions of health and ill-health in Indigenous communities? What constitutes culturally appropriate health interventions and healthcare services for Indigenous communities? What is the role of Indigenous-led research in reducing health inequalities in Indigenous communities?
We are inviting you to contribute to the discussion by sharing your research, insights and/or viewpoints that relate to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples. Please get in touch with us.
This mission is aligned with our Healthier lives goal
Free access to our articles, blog & video
Different routes to publication
If you would like to contribute to the discussion, take a look at our different routes to publication and contact us to get involved.
Additional information
A framework for culturally appropriate & sustainable Indigenous housing
Daphne Habibis, University of Tasmania
Safe, secure and stable housing is central to social, emotional and economic well-being for individuals and families. Housing is recognised by the United Nations as a fundamental human right, yet when it comes to Indigenous housing individuals disproportionately experience unsafe, unstable and substandard housing.
This brief identifies the key policy learnings for a framework for culturally appropriate and sustainable Indigenous housing.
Indigenous voices
This mission is one of four that are part of a wider focus on Indigenous peoples. You can find out more about this – and the related missions – on our Indigenous voices page.
Talk to us about your work
We really welcome insights not only from researchers but practitioners too about their work.
If you would like to contribute to the discussion, or you are working on research in areas related to the health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples, please let us now by filling in this form.