Journal title |
Journal title |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion |
1012-8255 |
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy |
1750-6204 |
Accounting Research Journal |
1030-9616 |
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy |
2045-2101 |
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal |
0951-3574 |
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies |
2053-4604 |
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies |
2040-0705 |
Journal of Family Business Management |
2043-6238 |
Agricultural Finance Review |
0002-1466 |
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal |
1361-2026 |
American Journal of Business |
1935-5181 |
Journal of Financial Crime |
1359-0790 |
Annals in Social Responsibility |
2056-3515 |
Journal of Financial Economic Policy |
1757-6385 |
Arts and the Market |
2056-4945 |
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance |
1358-1988 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics |
1355-5855 |
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting |
1985-2517 |
Asian Review of Accounting |
1321-7348 |
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research |
2049-8799 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration |
1757-4323 |
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing |
2398-5364 |
Baltic Journal of Management |
1746-5265 |
Journal of Global Responsibility |
2041-2568 |
Benchmarking: An International Journal |
1463-5771 |
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing |
1755-750X |
Business Process Management Journal |
1463-7154 |
Journal of Indian Business Research |
1755-4195 |
Career Development International |
1362-0436 |
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society |
1477-996X |
China Agricultural Economic Review |
1756-137X |
Journal of Intellectual Capital |
1469-1930 |
China Finance Review International |
2044-1398 |
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy |
1477-0024 |
Chinese Management Studies |
1750-614X |
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research |
1759-0817 |
Competitiveness Review |
1059-5422 |
Journal of Islamic Marketing |
1759-0833 |
Continuity & Resilience Review |
2516-7502 |
Journal of Knowledge Management |
1367-3270 |
Corporate Communications: An International Journal |
1356-3289 |
Journal of Management Development |
0262-1711 |
Corporate Governance |
1472-0701 |
Journal of Management History |
1751-1348 |
Critical perspectives on international business |
1742-2043 |
Journal of Managerial Psychology |
0268-3946 |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management |
2059-5794 |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management |
1741-038X |
Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal |
1477-7282 |
Journal of Modelling in Management |
1746-5664 |
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance |
2398-5038 |
Journal of Money Laundering Control |
1368-5201 |
Employee Relations: The International Journal |
0142-5455 |
Journal of Organizational Change Management |
0953-4814 |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal |
2040-7149 |
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance |
2051-6614 |
EuroMed Journal of Business |
1450-2194 |
Journal of Organizational Ethnography |
2046-6749 |
European Business Review |
0955-534X |
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership |
2514-7641 |
European Journal of Innovation Management |
1460-1060 |
Journal of Product & Brand Management |
1061-0421 |
European Journal of Marketing |
0309-0566 |
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management |
1096-3367 |
European Journal of Training and Development |
2046-9012 |
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering |
1355-2511 |
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship |
2049-3983 |
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing |
2040-7122 |
Foresight |
1463-6689 |
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship |
1471-5201 |
Gender in Management: An International Journal |
1754-2413 |
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management |
2053-4620 |
Human Resource Management International Digest |
0967-0734 |
Journal of Service Management |
1757-5818 |
Indian Growth and Development Review |
1753-8254 |
Journal of Service Theory and Practice |
2055-6225 |
Industrial and Commercial Training |
0019-7858 |
Journal of Services Marketing |
0887-6045 |
Industrial Management & Data Systems |
0263-5577 |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
1462-6004 |
Information and Computer Security |
2056-4961 |
Journal of Social Marketing |
2042-6763 |
Information Technology & People |
0959-3845 |
Journal of Strategy and Management |
1755-425X |
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management |
1834-7649 |
Journal of Systems and Information Technology |
1328-7265 |
International Journal of Bank Marketing |
0265-2323 |
Journal of Workplace Learning |
1366-5626 |
International Journal of Conflict Management |
1044-4068 |
Leadership & Organization Development Journal |
0143-7739 |
International Journal of Development Issues |
1446-8956 |
Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review |
2752-9819 |
International Journal of Emerging Markets |
1746-8809 |
Management Decision |
0025-1747 |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research |
1355-2554 |
Management Research Review |
2040-8269 |
International Journal of Ethics and Systems |
2514-9369 |
Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management |
1536-5433 |
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship |
1756-6266 |
Managerial Auditing Journal |
0268-6902 |
International Journal of Innovation Science |
1757-2223 |
Managerial Finance |
0307-4358 |
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management |
1753-8394 |
Marketing Intelligence & Planning |
0263-4503 |
International Journal of Law and Management |
1754-243X |
Measuring Business Excellence |
1368-3047 |
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma |
2040-4166 |
Meditari Accountancy Research |
2049-372X |
International Journal of Managerial Finance |
1743-9132 |
Multinational Business Review |
1525-383X |
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
1753-8378 |
Nankai Business Review International |
2040-8749 |
International Journal of Manpower |
0143-7720 |
Pacific Accounting Review |
0114-0582 |
International Journal of Operations & Production Management |
0144-3577 |
Personnel Review |
0048-3486 |
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior |
1093-4537 |
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal |
1352-2752 |
International Journal of Organizational Analysis |
1934-8835 |
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management |
1176-6093 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing |
1750-6123 |
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets |
1755-4179 |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management |
0960-0035 |
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal |
1746-5648 |
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management |
1741-0401 |
Records Management Journal |
0956-5698 |
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management |
0265-671X |
Review of Accounting and Finance |
1475-7702 |
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences |
1756-669X |
Review of Behavioral Finance |
1940-5979 |
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management |
0959-0552 |
Review of International Business and Strategy |
2059-6014 |
International Journal of Social Economics |
0306-8293 |
SAM Advanced Management Journal |
2996-6078 |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
1464-6668 |
Social Enterprise Journal |
1750-8614 |
International Journal of Wine Business Research |
1751-1062 |
Social Responsibility Journal |
1747-1117 |
International Marketing Review |
0265-1335 |
Society and Business Review |
1746-5680 |
Internet Research |
1066-2243 |
South Asian Journal of Business Studies |
2398-628X |
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change |
1832-5912 |
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal |
2042-678X |
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies |
2042-1168 |
Strategic Direction |
0258-0543 |
Journal of Accounting Literature |
0737-4607 |
Strategic HR Review |
1475-4398 |
Journal of Advances in Management Research |
0972-7981 |
Strategy & Leadership |
1087-8572 |
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies |
2044-0839 |
Studies in Economics and Finance |
1086-7376 |
Journal of Applied Accounting Research |
0967-5426 |
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal |
1359-8546 |
Journal of Asia Business Studies |
1558-7894 |
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal |
2040-8021 |
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing |
0885-8624 |
Team Performance Management: An International Journal |
1352-7592 |
Journal of Business Strategy |
0275-6668 |
Technological Sustainability |
2754-1312 |
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies |
1754-4408 |
The International Journal of Logistics Management |
0957-4093 |
Journal of Communication Management |
1363-254X |
The Journal of Risk Finance |
1526-5943 |
Journal of Consumer Marketing |
0736-3761 |
The Learning Organization |
0969-6474 |
Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science |
2516-7480 |
The TQM Journal |
1754-2731 |
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences |
2054-6246 |
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems |
2059-5891 |
Journal of Economic Studies |
0144-3585 |
Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers |
1747-3616 |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management |
1741-0398 |