The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following for their invaluable service as 2021 reviewers for Saudi Journal of Language Studies. We are very grateful for all the contributions made. It is with their help that the journal has been able to publish such high-quality articles.
- Abu Dayyeh, Imad
- Ahmad, Hussain
- Al-Ahdal, Arif
- Al-Khasawneh, Fadi
- Al-Musharraf, Asma
- Al-Musharraf, Norah
- Al-Qahtani, Suaad
- Alharbi, Sultan
- Alnuzaili, Ehab
- Alrefaai, Ismail
- Alrishan, Amal
- Alyaser, Ali
- Bader Eddin, Dr. Eyhab
- Bin Dahmash, Nada
- Costello, Hassan
- Dougherty, Patrick
- Giaber, Jamal
- Hamid, Obaid
- Hassan Khan, Muhsin
- Jamoussi, Rafik
- Jaradat, Abdulazeez
- Lababidi, Rola
- Mohsen, Mohammed
- Rasheed, Asma
- Rashid, Syed
- Samaranayake, Sarath
- Shah, Sayyed