6th Annual Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
High Impact Practices for Student Success: Evidence from Online, On-Site and Hybrid Environments
October 19th, 2021
Zayed University Convention and Exhibition Center, Dubai, UAE
Zayed University and the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) will host the 6th Annual Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. This year’s theme, "High Impact Practices for Student Success: Evidence from Online, On-Site and Hybrid Environments", highlights the benefits of higher education faculty conducting systematic inquiry on the impact of their teaching on students’ learning outcomes. All presentations will be aimed at demonstrating empirical evidence of a teaching practice/intervention that facilitates student learning and cultivates an environment of student academic success.
University faculty teaching in any discipline in higher education institutions across the Gulf and the wider region who are involved in classroom-based research are encouraged to submit their proposals. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process to ensure that presentations have a scholarly focus demonstrating good research design and showing empirical evidence to support their findings. The goal is to provide conference attendees with an opportunity to learn about and celebrate a broad range of classroom-based research projects on teaching and learning (i.e., SoTL). Abstracts are limited to 300 words, including references. The time allotted to presentations will be 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
After the conference, presenters will be encouraged to submit their full papers for publication in the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives Journal accessible at:
To submit an abstract and/or reserve your free registration, visit the SoTL 2021 Conference site: