Best Paper
Crede et al: The generalizability of transformational leadership across cultures: A meta-analysis
Twitter Precis
Are leader behaviors equally effective across different cultures? New research based on data from 34 countries suggests that leaders may be most effective when they challenge the prevailing cultural values and behaviors. Read more here:
LinkedIn Precis
Leaders – consider the culture in which you operate
Are leader behaviors equally effective across different cultures? New research from Marcus Crede, Jaehee Jong, and Peter Harms suggests that transformational leadership behaviors are most strongly related to the performance of their subordinates in countries in which these behaviors challenge the prevailing values and practices of the national culture. Read more here:
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Platforms as incubators: How gig workers develop an entrepreneurial orientation
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Carlson et al: Looking good and doing good: family to work spillover through impression management
Family interfering with your work? Don’t be tempted to pretend otherwise by playing up the good things you do at work. Instead be authentic and find ways to help your manager and colleagues. Your work performance and satisfaction will thank you.
#stoppretending #beahelper #work-family research #impressions
Should you care what people at work think about your family? Managing other’s impression of your family at work can help you be more satisfied and have higher performance. New research finds that engaging in four different forms of impression management behavior plays an integral role in how you are viewed at work. Bottom line: Don’t be tempted to pretend family isn’t interfering with work by playing up the good things you do at work. Instead be authentic and find ways to help your manager and colleagues. Read more about managing impression of family at work.
Wu et al: Coping with customer mistreatment: Joining job routinization and proactive personality
Hard to deal with jay-customer? Show your staff some love and tips. New #Customer Research finds job and personal resources that help services workers to survive from the stress. Read more about coping with customer mistreatment:
Be proactive to cope with jay-customer
Hard to deal with jay-customer? Show your staff some love and tips. New #Customer Research finds that job routinization and proactive personality as job and personal resources that help services workers to survive from the stress. Simply put the best way for service workers to handle mistreatment from customer. Read more about coping with customer mistreatment: