A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives. Special issues can also collate the best papers presented at a conference. They can even take an interdisciplinary approach, helping to bridge the gap between subject areas.
If you have an idea on a topic relevant for the readers of Information Technology & People the following steps are a guide to help you through the process.
Getting Started:
- Initially you should informally discuss your idea with the Editors-in-Chief
- If they agree it has potential you would then need to complete a special issue proposal form and send to all the Editors-in-Chief
- This form will then be evaluated by the Editors and Publisher who will let you know within two weeks if your proposal has been accepted
- Once approved, we will let you know the most appropriate journal issue and give advice on the schedule and timeframes
- Throughout the process one of the Editors-in-Chief will act as a Consulting Editor to ensure papers are of an acceptable quality and fit with the journal scope and objectives
- It maybe helpful for you to prepare a call for papers and promote the special issue, the maximum period from close of call for papers to complete issue is one year
- The publisher will arrange for a slot in the online submission system, ScholarOne Manuscripts, to be opened for authors to submit their work. Only one Guest Editor can act as the manager for the issue in Scholar One so please do decide this beforehand
After the call for papers closes:
- Once submissions start to come in each paper is sent to two or more referees for double blind peer review
- The expected time for reviewers to complete the reviews is 30 day, but it may take longer to find reviewers who are able to give their time to the papers so please keep checking if reviewers have agreed or declined
- Timeline for review process
- 3 months for first revisions
- 3 months for second revisions
- 3 months for final revisions
- Information Technology & People issues require 10 papers
- If there are not enough papers to fill a special issue, we will either process them as standard issue papers and the special issue will not go ahead. However, if there are 7 or more papers accepted we can consider a special section
- The Consulting Editor will be monitoring the special issue throughout the review process and will raise any concerns with the Guest Editor
- Papers will be uploaded to the EarlyCite section of Information Technology & People within 30 days of acceptance by the Guest Editor
- When there are 10 papers ready for the special issue we will confirm the line up and send the issue to production for typesetting
- Authors will then get proofs of their papers to check for any final, small amends
- When proofs are returned the final version of the issue will be published online and in print
This guide to publishing a special issue is designed to support guest editors as they navigate each stage of the process.
Publication of a Guest Editor’s own work
Guest Editors are expected to provide an Editorial for their special issue. This can take one of two forms:
- A regular Editorial comprising either a brief introduction to the theme of the special issue or a short description of each article to be published; or
- An extended Editorial. This should be over 1000 words, with more than 75% devoted to a theme, rather than a description of the papers published in the special issue. It will require a structured abstract and key words
We discourage Guest Editors from publishing their own article/s in their special issue.
If you have any questions about special issues please contact the publisher, Sallie Gregson