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Internet Research Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence 2015-2020

Internet Research

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Internet Research Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence in 2015 - 2020.

The awards celebrate and reward the outstanding contributions of our authors, reviewers and editorial team.



Outstanding Paper

Volume 29 Issue
The joy of pain: A gloating account of negative electronic word-of-mouth communication following an organizational setback
Jacob Hornik, Rinat Shaanan Satchi, Matti Rachamim

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 29 Issue 5
Policy compliance and deterrence mechanism in the sharing economy: Accommodation sharing in Korea
Soo Kyung Park, Kyu Tae Kwak, Bong Gyou Lee

Volume 29 Issue 6
Enablers and inhibitors of cloud computing assimilation: an empirical study
Nianxin Wang, Huigang Liang, Shilun Ge, Yajiong Xue, Jing Ma

Volume 29 Issue 1
The outcome of online social interactions on Facebook pages: A study of user engagement behavior
Hamid Khobzi, Raymond Y.K. Lau, Terence C.H. Cheung

Outstanding Reviewers

Tommy Chan, Northumbria University, UK
Yi Wu, Tianjin University, People's Republic of China
Xiabing Zheng, University of Science and Technology of China, People's Republic of China

Outstanding Associate Editors

Hongxiu Li, Tampere University, Finland
Xiaoliang Shen, Wuhan University, People’s Republic of China


Outstanding Paper

Volume 28 Issue 4
Disentangling the facets of sharing: a categorization of what we know and don't know about the Sharing Economy
Manuel Trenz, Alexander Frey, Daniel Veit

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 28 Issue 5
Coping with Mobile Technology Overload in the Workplace
Pengzhen Yin, Carol X.J. Ou, Robert M. Davison, Jie Wu

Volume 28 Issue 4
The value of online surveys: a look back and a look ahead
Joel R. Evans, Anil Mathur

Volume 28 Issue 1
Understanding Chinese consumer engagement in social commerce: The roles of social support and swift guanxi
Jiabao Lin, Lei Li, Yanmei Yan, Ofir Turel

Outstanding Reviewers

Si Shi, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, People's Republic of China
Garry Tan, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Xiang Gong, University of Science and Technology of China, People's Republic of China


Outstanding Associate Editor

Kem Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, People's Republic of China



Outstanding Paper

Volume 27 Issue 2
What is eSports and why do people watch it?
Juho Hamari, Max Sjöblom

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 27 Issue 4
The art of appeal in electronic commerce: Understanding the impact of product and website quality on online purchases
Fei Liu, Bo Xiao, Eric T.K. Lim, Chee-Wee Tan

Volume 27 Issue 3
E-WOM messaging on social media: Social ties, temporal distance, and message concreteness
Yung Kyun Choi, Yuri Seo, Sukki Yoon

Volume 27 Issue 1
Internet entrepreneurship and “the sharing of information” in an Internet-of-Things context: The role of interactivity, stickiness, e-satisfaction and word-of-mouth in online SMEs’ websites
Xiaoyu Yu, Sanjit Kumar Roy, Ali Quazi, Bang Nguyen, Yuqing Han

Outstanding Reviewers

Luis Casaló, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Chongyang Chen, Soochow University, People's Republic of China

Outstanding Associate Editors

Yang Chen, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, People's Republic of China
Ayoung Suh, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Christian Matt, University of Bern, Switzerland


Outstanding Paper

Volume 26 Issue 4
Social capital on mobile SNS addiction: A perspective from online and offline channel integrations
Shuiqing Yang, Yuan Liu, June Wei

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 26 Issue 5
Multichannel integration quality, online perceived value and online purchase intention: A perspective of land-based retailers
Jin-Feng Wu, Ya Ping Chang

Volume 26 Issue 1
E-retailing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention: A cultural and commitment-trust theory perspective
Ibrahim Elbeltagi, Gomaa Agag

Outstanding Reviewers

Mamoun Akroush, German Jordanian University, Jordan
Yaniv Gvili, Ono Academic College, Israel

Outstanding Associate Editor

Lauri Wessel, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany



Outstanding Paper

Volume 25 Issue 3
Explaining the internet usage of SMEs: The impact of market orientation, behavioural norms, motivation and technology acceptance
Marjolein C. J. Caniëls, Heidi K. L. Lenaerts, Cees J. Gelderman

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 25 Issue 4
Facebook advertising's influence on intention-to-purchase and purchase amongst Millennials
Rodney Graeme Duffett

Volume 25 Issue 2
Key variables to predict tie strength on social network sites
Pin Luarn, Yu-Ping Chiu

Volume 25 Issue 5
Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality
Mutaz M. Al-Debei, Mamoun N. Akroush, Mohamed Ibrahiem Ashouri

Outstanding Reviewers

Cong Li, University of Miami School of Communication, USA
Jack Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong



Outstanding Paper

Volume 24 Issue 1
The effects of hedonic/utilitarian expectations and social influence on continuance intention to play online games
I-Cheng Chang, Chuang-Chun Liu, Kuanchin Chen

Highly Commended Papers

Volume 24 Issue 3
Understanding online shopping intention: the roles of four types of trust and their antecedents
Meng-Hsiang Hsu, Li-Wen Chuang, Cheng-Se Hsu

Volume 24 Issue 2
Engaging in digital piracy of movies: a theory of planned behaviour approach
Ian Phau, Aaron Lim, Johan Liang, Michael Lwin

Volume 24 Issue 3
Firm web visibility and its business value
Fang Wang, Liwen Vaughan

Outstanding Reviewers

Wu He, Old Dominion University, USA
Timmy Tseng, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan