Information and Learning Sciences
Special Issue:
Evidence-based and Pragmatic Online Teaching and Learning Approaches:
A Response to Emergency Transitions to Remote Online Education
in K-12, Higher Education, and Librarianship
Guest Editors:
Sam Chu
Rebecca Reynolds
Co-Editors, Information and Learning Sciences
Table of Contents
Both K-12 and Higher Education Contexts
Theory and Proposed Design Frameworks
- “Building a digitally-enhanced community of practice,” Donaldson, J.
- “Promoting interaction in online distance education: Designing, implementing and supporting collaborative learning,” Strauß, S., Rummel, N.
- “Reading and connecting: Using social annotation in online classes,” Zhu, X., Chen, B., Avadhanam, R., Shui, H., Zhang, R.
Design/Implementation Studies
K-12 Contexts
Theory and Proposed Design Frameworks
- “Guidelines and tools for promoting digital equity,” Aguilar, S.
- “Emergency remote teaching across urban and rural contexts: perspectives on educational equity,” Aguliera, E., Nightengale-Lee, B.
- “Self-regulated learning in online learning environments: strategies for remote learning,” Carter, R., Rice, M., Yang, S., Jackson, H.
- “Design-Ed: A pedagogical toolkit to support k-12 teachers’ emergency transition to remote online education,” Flynn, P.
- “Social distancing meet social media: digital tools for connecting students, teachers, and citizens in an education emergency,” Greenhow, C., Chapman, A.
- “Promoting individual and group regulation through social connection: Strategies for remote learning,” Macmahon, S., Leggett, J., Carroll, A.
- “A ‘just-in-time’ pragmatic approach to creating quality matters-informed online courses,” Murillo, A., Jones, K.
- “A research-based approach for evaluating resources for transitioning to teaching online,” Aguilar, S.
Design/Implementation Studies
- “Supporting making online: The role of artifact, teacher, and peer interactions in crafting electronic textiles,” Jayathirtha, G., Fields, D., Kafai, Y., Chipps, J.
- “Maintaining rich dialogic interactions in the transition to synchronous online learning,” Jung, H., Brady, C.
- “Q-Bot, The Quarantine Robot: Joint-media engagement between children and adults about quarantine living experiences,” Tiwari, S.
Cross-Sectional Analyses/Cases/Lessons Learned
- “Loss of brick and mortar schooling: How elementary educators respond,” Anderson, E., Hira, A.
- “Pandemic designs for the future: Perspectives of technology education teachers during COVID-19,” Forde, K., Code, J., Ralph, R.
- “Education in precarious times: A comparative study across 6 countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic,” Hall, T., Connolly, C., Ó Grádaigh, S., Burden, K., Kearney, M., Schuck, S., Bottema, J., Hustinx, W., Evens, M., Koenraad, T., Makridou, E., Cazemier, G., Kosmas, P.
- “Fostering valuable learning experiences by transforming current teaching practices: Practical pedagogical approaches from online practitioners,” Itow, R.
- “Cultivating staff culture online: How Edith Bowen Laboratory School responded to COVID-19,” Justis, N., Litts, B., Reina, L., Rhodes, S.
- “A Rapid Response to COVID-19: One District’s Pivot from Technology Integration to Distance Learning,” Peterson, L, Scharber, C., Thuesen, A., Baskin, K.
- “Emergency Remote Teaching Environment: A conceptual framework for responsive online teaching in crises,” Whittle, C., Tiwari, S., Yan, S., Williams, J.
Higher Education Contexts
Theory and Proposed Design Frameworks
- “Inclusive considerations for optimal online learning in times of disasters and crises,” Copeland, C., Thompson, K.
- “Designing for and facilitating knowledge-building discourse in online courses,” Duvall, M., Matranga, A., Silverman, J.
- “Transforming online teaching and learning: Towards learning design informed by information science and learning sciences,” Fujita, N.
- “Teaching with social media: Evidence-based strategies for making remote higher education less remote,” Greenhow, C., Galvin, S.
- “When classroom interactions have to go online: The move to specifications grading in a project-based design course,” Quintana, R., Quintana, C.
Design/Implementation Studies
- “Increasing Students' Social Engagement During COVID-19 with Net.Create: Collaborative Social Network Analysis to Map Historical Pandemics During a Pandemic,” Craig, K., Humburg, M., Danish, J., Szostalo, M., Hmelo-Silver, C., McCranie, A.
- “Adapting guided inquiry learning worksheets for emergency remote learning,” Howley, I.
- “Transferring interactive activities in large lectures from face-to-face to online settings,” Olsen, J., Faucon, L., Dillenbourg, P.
- “Designing for learning during collaborative projects online: Tools and takeaways,” Sankaranarayanan, S., Kandimalla, S.R., Cao, M., Maronna, I., An, H., Bogart, C., Murray, R.C., Hilton, M., Sakr, M., Rose, C.
Cross-Sectional Analyses/Cases/Lessons Learned
- “Collaborating in online teaching: Inviting e-guests to facilitate learning in the digital environment,” Fulton, C.
- “Saving a semester of learning: MIT’s emergency transition to online instruction,” Kessler, A., Barnes, S., Rajagopal, K., Rankin, J., Pouchak, L., Silis, M., Esser, W.
- “Characteristics of asynchronous online discussions in a graduate course: An exploratory study,” Yu, Y., Li, X.
Public and School Librarianship Contexts
Theory and Proposed Design Frameworks
Design/Implementation Studies
Cross-Sectional Analyses/Cases/Lessons Learned
Parenting Context
Cross-Sectional Analyses/Cases/Lessons Learned
Teacher Professional Development Contexts
Theory and Proposed Design Frameworks
Design/Implementation Studies
- “Application of creative learning principles within blended teacher professional development on integration of computer programming education into elementary and middle school classrooms,” Murai, Y., Muramatsu, H.
- “A social capital design for delivering online asynchronous professional development in a MOOC course for science teachers,” Yoon, S., Miller, K., Richman, T., Wendel, D., Schoenfeld, I., Anderson, E., Shim, J., Marei, A.
Cross-Sectional Analyses/Cases/Lessons Learned