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Best Paper Awards

The Best Paper Awards recognize the top 10 high impact papers published in the International Journal of Crowd Science.

It is delighted to share that the Best Paper Awards were awarded at the 5th International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2021). The winners are as follows:

ICCSE 2021 meeting

Crowd-sourcing (who, why and what)

Value co-creation mechanisms of enterprises and users under crowdsource-based open innovation

Smart contract model for complex reality transaction

The study of the effect of online review on purchase behavior: Comparing the two research methods

An improved algorithm for personalized recommendation on MOOCs

Knowledge payment research: status quo and key issues

Collective hybrid intelligence: towards a conceptual framework

Computerizing Trail Making Test for long-term cognitive self-assessment

Negative externalities in the sharing economy: sources, paths and recommendations

Quality-time-complexity universal intelligence measurement

Award winner

Award winners


Previous Best Paper Awards winners are as following,

Using blockchain to build trusted LoRaWAN sharing server

Crowd science and engineering: concept and research framework

Motivation mechanism of gamification in crowdsourcing projects

A review of knowledge management about theoretical conception and designing approaches

Literature review on collective intelligence: a crowd science perspective

A cyber-anima-based model of material conscious information network

Water-energy-food nexus in urban sustainable development: an agent-based model

AI empowered context-aware smart system for medication adherence

A scientometric analysis of e-participation research

Exploring the relationships between gamification and motivational needs in technology design

Research on market power and market structure: A direct measure of market power of internet platform enterprises

Experimental results on large-scale cyber-physical hybrid discussion support